Thursday, November 10, 2011

India's Favourite Sex Scandal Blog

India's Favourite Sex Scandal Blog

The Saga Of Younger Sister - Part I

Posted: 10 Nov 2011 06:52 AM PST

Hey friends I have been a reader of this website from past 2 years and I decided to share my real life story about my sexual experience and incest feeling I had for my cousin sister as the story title suggests it's Saga so I would start from my childhood experiences and the deatils will be true and a complete informative session for real incest lovers.

I Charan (name changed ) 23 years and my cousin sister Shruthi ( name changed ) 22 years  stayed together for almost our teenage life since my family was a little orthodox and united, it was almost like a joint family and we stayed in different floors of the same building and we stayed in a city which is know for the greenary and weather, now its called the silicon city more than the garden city (Bangalore).

My first feeling to my sister started at the age of 8 when I saw a movie named blue lagoon (english) and the feeling was mutual but we never knew anything about sex and stuff at the time and watching the movie together made us the devils which we are today, the first thing which flashed our mind was how does it feel to hug each other and roll on eack other like in the movie since my family was orthodox 

We were not exposed to a lot of English movies when we were along with our parents so me and my sister decided to keep it a secret of watching english movie together whenever we had a chance and most of the times my mom or my aunt would have fight with my grandma and leave our home and go stay in their mother s home and so whenever this happened me and my sister used to stay with each other spending time in evenings till our dad s retuened back home. 

We used to stay away from grandma and stay together most of the times a day came where we remembered the movie name and decided we would do the same so I took her to my bedroom and asked her to lay down on bed, she did as I adviced her and all I knew was to hug and roll and so we went into the bed and I remembethe first day, she wore a single piece frock type material and I was in my shorts I lay beside next to her holding her hand and playing with her finger and chewing gum in my mouth 

Then I told her I would hug her and she said okie and then we hugged and spoke for a long time looking at our seeling fan and then she felt sleepy and told she would go home and sleep in her bedroom, so I decided we would roll over each once and go off to theri respective rooms and she said okie and I just lay on her at the top and she suddenly replied anna (brother) you are heavy so I asked to come upon me and so 

We switched the position and we hugged each other and started to roll on the bed, that was the first time I ever touched the skinny thighs of my little sister Shruthi. I liked the touch and she liked it as we were having fun and laughing and she said it feels good to hug and lets do this often and thus a tradition was set up to imitate whatever we saw in a romantic movie and whatever we liked watching in TV.

Since we were alone after our schools in afternoon and we used to to hug each other and bite each other as fun apart from playing different child games and generally in evenings we had a bunch of friends whom we used to meet up and play games like cricket, running race and hide and seek and so our was a big house our parents and elders suggested to play in our home only always and so as per the plan my friend pinky was the person who had to seek the hidden friends

So as usuall my sister used to follow me to hide in a place. I had a secret place besides the wardrobe it was a small place and could accomodate only kid. so I went and took that place and my sister followed me and told even she wanted to hide over there, so in urgency we both decided to adjust somehow and she would sit over me to accomodate ourself, when she did it 

I by mistake touched her pussy and it felt warm, my siter said brother you are touching my pee place I told I have no other place to keep my hand and I kept it over there and I liked the warmthness of it was almost 10 mintes where I had my hands on her pussy (pee place) what she called it. I had a strong urge to touch it often as I liked the feel it was soft and wet and she would smile a lot whenever i touched her by mistake.

There was a day and opportunity to take bath together as our family was on a trip and my aunty decided that she will bath me and my sister together to save time and so we were in our undies and we bathed together with the help of my aunt, that was the moment I has seen her complete nude and I liked it very much and she used to tease me as I had a short undy and so our innocent teasing started to me more about naked stuff.  

I hope my real story was boring, but my experience will include human Psychology of both the girl and a boy with the growing age as this is my first story I would like to hear to your suggestions in comments on the story. I would be sharing alll my embarassing situation, sexy and funny moments on my incestual sex life.

My Horny Sister Christine

Posted: 10 Nov 2011 06:50 AM PST

Hi readers! I am Jonathan from Bangalore, here to narrate one of my real experiences with cousin sister Reeta Christine. Before get into the incident, I would like to thank readers who have responded well for my first experience titled incredible fucking with sweet neighbor Nithya. Let us get into my experience with Christine. It was happened in 22 years of my age. 

But I was not new to sex as I already had enough with my house owner when i was working in Pune. After coming to Bangalore, I have started to search new company to fulfill my desires but could not able to get any option so forced to have phone-sex with my house owner in Pune. It also stopped after a month when i came to know that she deactivated her old contact number. 

After that, I could not even masturbate by thinking her since i felt as she cheated me and she will not be mine no more. After passing some days like this, it was a fine evening on a Sunday. I sat with my parents in our balcony for tea. My mom who started to talk about my cousin sister Christine who just finished her higher secondary education and waiting for engineering council. 

Mom was telling to Dad that we may make her to stay in our home if she got seat in any college inside city as her home far away. Till the time of this discussion, i never thought about Christine. But this time, Devil inside me started to imagine lot about her. That day night, my mind started to rewind my last meet with Christine. She must be studying tenth standard that time. 

I could not get any further picture of her in my mind except her white complexion, spectacles and slim figure. After a month, I heard from mom that Christine is going to join in Bangalore and planning to come to our Home in with in running week.  Mom asked me to divide my room for Christine and strictly instructed to shift my bed to their bed room to ensure privacy of Christine.

It was a Saturday evening. I was waiting at Bus stand to bring Christine to our Home. I went by our new alto bought that time. I decided to call Christine in her mobile number which mom given while coming. I called 'Hello Christine, Jon here'.  She replied 'Hey Bro. Is it you? I am about to reach. Wait'. Phone line dropped. I thought a minute about Christine. 

How bold her voice now when compare past. Her speaking style also looked modern. This increased my interest to see her. Ten minutes later, my phone started to ring. It was Christine. I have lifted call 'Hello Bro! I have reached. Where are you waiting? I replied with a shop identity and car details to come up. Ten minutes later, suddenly a girl opened front side car door and sat inside. 

Yes! it is Christine. She asked 'Hey Bro! How are you? Hope you enjoyed lot in Pune. Now back to Bangalore'. She was started the talk elegantly with wide smile. After answering her formal questions, i began to drive my Car towards home. Still, I was in shock by seeing her bold attitude in age of 18. Also I could not fix my eyes on road because of her figure which developed lot in short period. 

Flesh put up in right areas and complexion improved lot. She was glowing in her white sleeve less top. Opened thick black hair shows her face more brightly. Contact lens replaced her spectacles. I just thought about the college in which she is going to join. I am damn sure that this doll will drive all men crazy. I could see the stiffness of her tender boobs inside tops. Her bra should have gripped lot to hold those rabbits. 

Her thighs were seems shaped better and widened with enough flesh. I felt erectness inside my pant by seeing voluptuous figure of Christine. By the time, we have reached home. As she was tired in travel, we have finished dinner early with her and slept. From the day of arrival, I prefer my all free time to be with Christine and passed time only by seeing her. 

As i have to sleep with parents, I started to use bathroom at late nights to masturbate by thinking Christine. Desperately I was looking for the day to take her completely. The day of mine never waited long but come up with a sad incident which is accident of my Dad. The same alto was hit by a truck in a corner of street road. Dad led the car further to hit a wall with sudden acceleration in fear. Though it was not major, my 

Dad was asked to be in Hospital at least for ten days due to leg injury. My mom use to stay in hospital to take care. I use to get back with Christine after seeing them and frequently use to visit to take care of their needs. Initial two days I was damn tired because of roaming to handle legal case as it was accident. The third day happened to be on Sunday. When I woke up, it was mom at the door who just leaving to Hospital. 

I asked her when she came. She was in hurry but replied 'I came here at 8 am.You were sleeping well. Anyhow, I am already late. I cooked lunch and breakfast for both of you. Please have dinner outside. If you can, come to hospital. Otherwise no problems as you were tired of last two days'. She left after giving enough instructions to me.

After ten minutes, my mind filled up with dreams by thinking Christine. My cock already had its position. But nothing moved in my way throughout the day. All our conversation went very normally through the day. We had dinner at 10 pm after watching TV and about to sleep. Suddenly power went off. I told Christine to be in house as i decided to go outside to inquire the reason of power off. 

But she asked me to take her with me as she was afraid of being alone in darkness. I was surprised to know this bold girl is afraid of something. We came to know that it was single line went off in some problem of street transformer. So we least expected the power back in the night. When we returned, Christine seems to be in confusion state. I asked 'Christine! Are you feeling comfortable? 

You can tell me if you are facing any problem'. She slowly opened up her voice 'Bro! I am really scared of darkness. Even my parents never leave me to stay alone. I use to go their room and sleep if power gone in midnights'. I was very happy to listen this from Christine. I just nodded head and let her to speak further. She asked whether I am having any problem in sleeping inside of her room. 

I thought something is working in my way. I replied 'No problem at all Christine. I will sleep in your room. We both lay on bed. It was simple double bed did not have that much space between us. I was expecting my luck to get her near during her sleep. I was lying on my back and kept my hand inside shorts. I began to massaging my cock slowly as room was fully dark. 

I do not know when I slept but it was 12 am in night when I wake up again. I found power came and bedroom lamp was on. I have seen other side of bed. Christine was not there. I could hear the bathroom door opening sound. I was on bed and acted as I was in sleep. She came to bed but this time laid closer to me. I decided to make some move. 

I have rolled a bit as I was in sleep and stopped when our bodies touch each other. Though she was awake, she did not try to move from me or tried to move me. With such a positive sign, I have turned towards her as I was doing in deep sleep. She was facing other side of bed so her backside was in front of me. I used my hot breathing air nearby her neck to ignite her body. 

I could recognize her slight move. Oh my! I was speechless by her slight move of her ass backside towards my crotch. This is more than enough for me because she is doing all this consciously without sleeping. I thought in my mind how positive this young school girl for male touch. Even i started to think this might be her plan to get me in Bed by saying she was afraid.

After getting her ass mounts both side of my cock it started to gain its maximum erection. Hope this has felt by Christine as my cock touches her ass crack area in erection. She suddenly turned towards me to check whether i was sleeping. I managed to act well like I was in deep sleep. She again took the same position but now came closer further. This has confirmed me that she was horny and even ready to take her brother for night. 

As i ignited her body well, I planned to move from her to see her reaction. I just moved from her like I was in sleep and lay on my back by facing wall. There was no movement for five minutes but after that she rolled her body towards me and acted like she is doing this in sleep. I smiled inside me with her clever act. Her hands were fallen on top of my tummy and she boldly moves the palm towards cock. 

It was fully hot and erected. There was silence for a minute broken by 'tup' sound. I have opened part of eyes very carefully to check what was going on. I observed her three fourth shorts were down near her knees and bare white skin glowing in dim light above her knees. I could get the reason of sound which is from elastic of shorts when she moved it down. There was some darkness around upper thighs which should be her panty. 

Soon there was sound 'tup' again. Obviously it must be her panty. Oh my God- I stunned. She started to rub her pussy slowly by her left hand whereas right hand is on my cock. I was fully ready to make my move. So I moved suddenly towards her and gripped her hands which were rubbing her tender pussy. She was stunned a second and immediately tried to cover her body. She might have thought i was in sleep. 

I could recognize his fear by her shivering. She turned towards other side immediately and her back was facing me. I have taken my hand back and felt bad. There was sobbing sound in minute. Christine started to cry. I slowly kept my hand around her flat tummy and hugged tightly. Now she started to cry even louder. I have just pressed my palm gently on her navel area and whispered in her ear 'Christine!

 It is ok, leave it easy'. Then I took my hand from her navel and wiped her tears. She immediately turned her body towards me and hugged me tightly. She buried her face in my bare chest. Slowly I lifted my hand towards switches near bed to on the lights. Once lights are on, I could not control by seeing the sight where my young Christine hugged me tightly. When i tried to lift her face, she resisted to move up. 

Without lifting further, I kept palm of my right hand above her ass bums and started to massage gently. She slightly lifted her ass and moved closer further. I have lifted her right leg and kept around my hip. This increased my access further and i was kneading her ass crack with my middle finger. She tried further to hold me tight indicates that she was burning inside. I kissed deeply on her forehead. This time, she itself lifted her face up and seen me but did not speak anything.

I slowly kneaded her head and told ' Christine, Don't be afraid. It is natural to excite sexually by attraction of opposite sex. We human beings divided rules and relationships. If you are comfort, I am ready to provide what you want. This will be with us as secret forever. But I will move further only if Christine smiles and speaks boldly as usual'. My last line with smile broken her fear and she manage hardly to smile with tears. 

I moved her body from her ass to lift up. She slowly came upwards and now her lips facing mine. Without holding further I continued with rain of kisses all over her face. She started to moan 'aaahhhh mmmm'. She turned crazy and gripped back of my head with her soft hands. She was seeing straightly in my eyes with full of lust and fixed her wide pink lips with mine. Passionate French kissing lasts longer and our bodies moved like snakes. 

She moved her hand towards my ass. Her massage over my ass was rough that proven how wild she is. Slowly her hand kneaded my cock where as my hand is busy in her ass crack. I whispered in her ear 'Christine, will you remove your clothes?' She made free herself immediately and started to remove her T-shirt over her head. Oh God, There was black bra inside hardly holding those white rabbits ready to jump. As soon as her T-shirt removed, I helped to get her shorts down. 

She was with panty which is also black. Due to wetness of pussy, there was dark black like patch in panty. Soon she tried to remove panty but i asked to stop. She came closer again and hugged. This time it has excited more due to her direct touch of milky skin. I made her to lie on her back and came top of her. I went down and inserted my tongue in her navel. She was moaning like animal 'aahhhaa. Brother. I love you. Take me. 

I rolled my tongue vigorously in her navel. I could see my saliva made her navel to shine more and skin over there turned red. She was hitting her head either side of bed with heavy moans 'Brother, Please remove my panty. I cannot hold on. Please'. She was biting lips while moving her head. I lifted her legs and removed her panty swiftly, then thrown it in air. The sight of pussy will make even a monk to cum. My mouth was wet by seeing the young pussy which hair trimmed in triangle shape. 

With this kind of look, sudden doubt came in my mind and asked 'Christine! You even cared your pubic area. Means do you had or use to sex before? She lifted her face from bed, gazed at me in anger and said I never had. I use to dream lot so maintained. Is there any problem for you brother? I know she had mistaken me. I apologized 'I am sorry Christine! I have asked simply. I do not have any problem even if you are not virgin. 

I am hungry to taste you tonight anyway'. I slowly parted her vertical lips which opened the gate of heaven where pink folders shined in wetness. She held my head and moaned 'Brother, How long will you take to kiss it? She lifted her hip towards my mouth. I have started to roll my tongue over her pussy. Christine started to shout loader 'Oh my god! Tear that hell by your mouth aaahh ahha take it aahh aah lick lick lick ya. 

Her rhythm of moans matched perfectly with her rapid moves of body. She added further 'Go wild on your sister brother! I am yours. Take my virginity' I have lifted her legs and kept either side of my shoulders. This makes her to lift her hip upwards and I got enough access. Slowly I began to bite her pussy skin which leads to her orgasm. She was biting her own nipples and hitting my mouth with her pussy like a man who fucks with cock. 

She was louder 'aaahhhh, I am on peak. I am cumming. I am cumming aaahh. She screamed and i have seen her squirting like porn movies. She squeezed her pussy and splashed all liquid to fly over my face and air. She uttered 'hmmmm. Aaaahhh brother, even if you kill me now, I will die. Had my pleasure of lifetime'. She was breathing heavily. I was wondering how this soft soul turned like wild animal.

To allow her to take rest, I thought to leave her in bed for some time. But I was very horny and I know I will cum immediately if I fuck her pussy. So I planned to release cum initially in blow job and decided to go for fuck secondly. I lay down beside her and slowly sucked her boobs. It has almost taken half an hour for her to complete her rest but she did not slept as I was playing with her boobs. 

She slowly turned her face and said 'I am getting wet again with your play but afraid to take cock inside me I replied her 'Christine, if you like to take in and then go ahead'. She was not happy with my answer and said 'Not like that brother. I am too young and should not have pregnancy know? That too with my elder brother, I laughed at her and told 'my clever sister, I will release cum outside. Will it be ok?

She replied seriously 'Please brother, control yourself when you feel Cumming'. I nodded my head and kissed her lips softly. She responded well enough and whispered in my ear with smile 'Young horniest sexy sister is yours. Take it'. I lifted her face with smile and said 'Christine, our play from start already given enough load to my cock which is holding all cum in tip that is ready to splash. 

Will you suck it off'. She almost laughed and told 'Can't you ram in my pussy straight away and cum afterwards? My naughty brother wants to have one more session for taking my virginity'. By saying this, she bent down. I have opened my shorts; it made my dick to hit her face. She holds it in her hand and smiled. She sat on knees and bent over to suck my cock that gave enough view of her boobs. It was more than enough to take me in heaven. 

Soon pleasure was on the peak and I moaned aaaahhhh Christine suck it like that aaahhh I gripped her head with both of my ends. She took a pause for breath and asked are you sure? You want to cum? In this gap, my cock started to release his load without control. She laughed at me loudly and said 'Bro, cant you control seconds? I was even not in state to reply her and held my cock to release my further cum. 

By seeing this she immediately took in mouth and sucked. I was in heaven and released all of cum in her mouth. We rested for a while in bed. She whispered in ear 'Bro, we are near to morning. Let us finish before your mom comes'. I nodded head and said 'my cock is still sleeping '. She smiled and asked me to stand. She started to suck again by kneeling down. It has started to grow. Immediately I have asked her to stop and lay down. 

She was laid in her back and asked me to start. I have taken a pillow and kept below her hips and widened her legs at maximum. Then I came above her and started to rub her pussy lips with my hand. Her closed eyes were opened and asked 'Bro, use your master. I am waiting for that only'. I smiled and slowly pushed my cock inside her pussy. I could see Christine was gripping her teeth. 

Without giving much difficulty, I pushed hard once. She screamed loudly 'aaahhhh bro, it's painful. I cannot it was painful to take big cock in 18 yrs of age. I have rested for a minute after inserting fully. Slowly I have started to move inside out and I bent over her fully. Our eyes were met and engaged our lips while my hands were busy in boobs of Christine. 

Soon she started to feel pleasure and left my lips to move her head without controlling herself. Heavy moans were came 'Brother aaahhhh I am feeling something inside. It is good aaaaahhh. Hit me like that aaah break me apart. After some minutes, I felt like cumming so taken out my cock suddenly out. It sounded 'Pluck' when tip of cock was out fastly. Christine lifted her head seen this and pleaded 'What happened Brother. 

Please put it in please brother. I am near to my climax put it in bro please I could not able to make her understand by saying 'Christine, I also felt like that. So only taken out to give gap'. She held my cock in hand to put it in and screaming 'No problem at all. We will see later. You put it in,  I was shocked and asked 'Are you mad? I may cum inside'. She never listen me and shouting bro I am burning. 

Put your cock in and fill. Please, Let your cum fill my pussy. Please. I need that pleasure too'. With pleasure, I let my cock inside that went easily compare to before. Gradually I gained speed and Christine also started to jump upwards. I have started to shoot my cum 'aaaahhhh my dear sister, take this in your sweet tub. Let my semen fill your pot ahh ooo

I came in you and when I about to leave, she put her arms around and hitting pussy towards my cock. I was idle and seeing her face which enjoying all pleasure that God stored in sex. She screamed 'Jon this time she called by name. Soon she yelled 'Jon, let's enjoy my orgasm mmm aah heavy three thrusts with 'Thup, Thup, Thup' were her orgasms. She left me and i fell down above her.

We slept nude. Suddenly heard our doorbell rang. Both shouted 'Oh my God, It is mom'. It took time to open door after dress up. Mom asked me 'What you done? Sleeping like this'. Christine smiled mischievously at me. 

Didi Ki Gaand Marne Ko Pyaasa Mera 7 Inch Ka Lauda

Posted: 10 Nov 2011 06:49 AM PST

Hi dosto aur dosto se chudane walio app sab ko mere tarafse diwali ke subh kamnaye aur happy new year. Mera nam kumar hai aur muje is website ke bareme ek chees bahut acchi lagti hai ke yaha tu kisi se bhi dare bina tum apna sex experience bata sakte ho, chahe wo kisi ke sath kyo na ho. Accha to ab mai bina jyada time liye mere kahani suru karta hu. Jaysaki maine bataya mera nam kumar hai age 26 aur mai 

Ahmedabad ka rehne wala hu mere parents abroad rahte hai aur mai yaha Ahmedabad mai job karta hu, aur mera lauda 7inch ka thoda mota hai, mai thodi bahut excersice bhi karta hu so mere body bhi fit hai aur mai is bat mai yakeen nahi rakhta ki ladki ko chodne ke liye body builder banna padta hai maine aise bahut se moto ko dekha hai jo solid maal ko pata ke choda karte hai. Any way aur mai ek software engineer hu.

Ye kahani hai mere aur mere bua (fufi) ki beti means my cousin age 35 ki chudai ke bare mai jo ki mera first sex experience tha. Uska naam manisha hai aur uski saadi bahut saal pehle ho gaye thi aur uska ek 5 saal ka beta bhi hai. Uska sarrer ka bandha bahut hi akarshak hai uska figure hoga 35-33-38 coca-cola ke bottle dekhlo uska rang gora tha aur height 5-6in hoge. 

Magar muje to bas uski gaand hi passand hai, haye kya matak matak ke chalti hai wo aur itna hi nahi uski gaand thode bahar fule huye hai to subah subah night goun mai to zayada hi kattil lagti hai. Ye kissa hai 1 month pehle ka hai jub mai mere bua ke ghar holiday mai gaya tha jo ki ahmedabad mai rahti hai,mere fufa us wakt apne company ke kamkaj ke karan out state bahut rahte the aur pehle hi din mai mere bua ne muje 

Bataya ke manisha ane wali hai, yah sun ke mere lund ne jo pakad lasil ke kya batau yaaro itna tight rahne laga ke pucho mat. Aur mai planning karne laga ki kaise mai manisha ko chu saku, kyoki mai abhi use chodne ka chooch bhi nahi sakta tha kyoki mujmai itne himmat hi nahi thi. Aur maine sooch liya ki jaise manisha ghar mai enter hoge mai usse gale mil ke uske boobs ko daba lunga aur piche uski gaand (joki muje behad pasand hai.) 

Ke upar bhi thoda apna hath peer lunga. Dusre hi din subah 8:40am door bell baji aur mere bua ne muje darwaza kholne ko kaha kyoke vo bathroom mai na rahi thi, so mai door kholne ke liye chala gaya or kholne ke bad pata chala ki ye to mere gaand queen aa gaye hai to maine bina mauka gayae bina apne pla ke mutabik usse gale mila aur uske boobs daba liye aur apne hatho ko uski bharavdar bahar nikli huve gaando ke 

Upar pira ke pavitra kar diya iske darmiyan mera land tan gaya tha sur mere shorts mai tambu ban gaya tha kyouki mai abhi subah ko utha hi tha so mai shorts mai tha aur mere bua naha kar bahar aye aur hamne breakfast kiya pura din aise hi pass ho gaya uski gaand dekh dekh ke aab raat ke 9pm baje the aur mere bua ke ghar mai 2 bedroom the ham logo ne dinner kha liya tha aur sone ki tayare kar rahe the. 

Tabhi mere cousin manisha ka beta bola ki muje nani ke sath sona hai aur vo zidd karne laga to mere cousin ne kaha ke theek hai vo apne nani ke sath so gaya aur manisha mere sath sone ko aye vo sidhe bathroom mai chale gaye night gown pahen ne ke liye aur 3-4 min mai vapas aa gaye kya kayamat lag rahi thi vo gown mai. Bad mai vo mere side mai aa kai let gaye aur mujse bate karne lagi normal bate aur bate karte karte so gaye aur mai bhi kab so gaya muje malum nahi raha. 

Magar luckyli mai nind 2:20AM se jaag gaya kyoki muje pyaas lagi thi pani ke aur baad mai manisha ki pyaas lagne yali thi. mai kitchen mai ja ke pani pe ke a gaya aur sone laga magar mere land ko ye manjoor nahi tha kyo ko uski pyas to buji hi nahi thi. Maine dekha ke vo opposite side apna fase karke soi hui thi aur uski mote gooal matol gaand mere taraf thi aur mere neeyat ne palta liya maine soocha ki yahi accha mauka hai uski gaand ko dil khol ke chune aur dabane ka. 

Aur maine pahle to apna hath pherna chalu kiya usni apna nikar nahi pehna tha kyoke mere hath mai sirf sapat maidan hi aa raha tha, haye kya gaand this uski magar is dauran vo sote hi rahi to maine socha ke apne journey ke karan thak gaye hoge is liye gahre neend mai hoge aur per maine apna land apne shorts maise bahar nikla joki allready tight bamboo ho gaya tha aur uski gaand ki crack mai rub karne laga aur 3 

Min mai hi mera virya nikal gaya because ye mera first time tha aur bad mai maine apna land bathroom mai ja ke saaf karke so gaya dusre din jub mai utha aur breakfast ke liye hum log baithe the to mere bua ne kaha ke use apne gau jana padega kyoki uski door ke relative ka dehant ho gaya tha to vo dopahar ki bus mai jane vali thi aur 5-6 din ke liye jane wali thi yah bat sun kai hamare land babu ek aur bar uchal pade 

Magar yah to aadhi khuskhabri thi kyoki thodi deer mai mere cousin ma beta zidd karne laga ki mai bhi nani ke sath jaunga because vo nani ka mahut ladla tha so thodi deer mere bhanje ko samjane ki nakam kosish ke bad mere bua ne kaha ki vo aur mera bhanja apne gau jayenge means 6 din ke liye mai aur mere cousin manisha darling akle the. Mai usi din dopaher ko mere bua aur bhanje ko bus mai bitha ke gaar vapis chala aya. 

Gaar a ke mai tv dekhne laga tabhi mere cousin didi aye aur kaha ki use gardan mai dard ho raha hai aur muse massag karne ko kaha aur mai thodi na kahne wala tha, aur mai sofa par baith gaya aur use neche baithne ko kaha to vo oil ke bottle muje de kai khud neche baith gaye aur mai uski gardan par malish karne laga thodi deer malis marne ke baad maine dekha ke uske boobs saaf saaf dikhai de rahe the muje uparse. 

Uske ye bade bade boobs dekh ke mera land pirse tight ho gaya aur mere didi ki pith mai chubne laga aur mere didi jatse piche mudke dekha ki use kya choob raha tha aur tabhi usne mera bada sa tambu dekha aur muskurane lagi jaise ki uska garden ka dard pura chala gaya ho. Aur uth kar dopaher ke khane ke tayari karne lagi uske muskurane se muje laga ki in 6 dino mai 1 baar to use chodna hai. 

Rasoi karte karte sune sabkuch bana diya sivay roti ke aur usne kaha ki vo bath karne ka rahi thi aur bad mai roti banayage, tabhi mere IT dimag mai Idea aya aur maine use kaha ki ek min, aur mai us room mai chala gaya jis room mai bathroom tha aur room bandh kar ke mai apna laptop chalu kar diya aur usme video recording chalu kar diya aur screen ko off kar ke laptop ko open hi bathroom ke door ki taraf guma diya aur 

Chupake rakh diya aur bahar chala gaya jub mere didi ne pucha ke kya hua achanak room mai kyo chale gaye to maine kaha ke mai kapde change karne gaya tha kyoke maine kapde change bhi kar liye the ab mai bahar street pe cigrate pene chala gaya aur 10-15 min ke bad aya to dekha ki mere didi nahake bahar kikal gaye the. mai turan vo room mai chala gaya aur apna laptop le ke sitting room mai aa gaya aur recording 

Dekhne laga to vo us room mai jake room ko bandh kar liya aur pir apne kapde utarne lagi hai hai kya lag rahi thi mere didi pahle bar maine use pure nangi dekhi hai kya gaand dekh rahi the. Magar muje to usi chodna tha kisi bhi tarah to maine socha ki aaj rat ko kisi bhi tahar se use chodna hai. So maine uski tayari dopaher ke lunch se hi suru kardi mai apne didi se kuch romantic bate karne laga aur sath mai tv bhi dekh 

Raha tha mai natgeo channel pe channel set kiya kyoki usme wild life ke bare mai kuch a raha tha to maine socha ki isme kuch sex scene ayenge, aur tabhi lion couple ke sex life ke bre mai kuch ane laga aur vo lion uski lioness ko piche se jam jam ke shoot marke chodne laga tha yah dekh ke mere didi ka niwala uske hath mai hi reh gaya aur muje kehne lagi ki kitna zalim hai ye lion aur maine kaha ki ye to uska farz 

Hai to usne naughty smile de ke muje apne pair se laat mari to mai samaj gaya ki woh bhi excite ho gaye hai aur mai uske leg ko apne legs se chune laga to usne mere taraf dekh ke vapas khana kane lage magar maine to apna kam chalu rakha to usni muje jo kaha yeh sun ke mai dang rah gaya kuoki usne muje kaha ke pehle khana khalo pir raat mai jo karna hai karna.

Yeh sun ke mera dimag suun pad gaya pata nathi chal ke mai kya karu pir thode der ke bad maine apne aap ko sambhala aur khana jaldi se khatam karne laga jaise hi maine khana khatam kar liya mai apne plate kitchen mai leke a gaya jaha vo kitchen saaf kar rahi thi aur maine apne hand wash karke uski gaand ko dekh raha tha tabhi muje judwaa movie ka ek scene yaad aya jaha salman rambha ki gaand pe ek japat 

Marta tha aur mere bhi man hua to maine yeh conform karne ke liye uski gaand pe haath mara ki vo muj mai intrested hai, aur mera hath uski gaand pe padte hi vo budke bole ke raat tak ka bhi intazar nathi kar sakte to maine kaha ke sorry. Aab mai raat ke intzer mai bechain ho raha tha aur aise hi raat ho gaye hamne khana bahar se mangaya tha to woh kha kar hum log sone ke tayari karne lage aur vo apna sexy gown pahen ke aa gaye aur mere pass akar let gaye aur mujse puchne lage ke

Didi: tumhari kitne girl friend hai?

Me: ek bhi nahi didi.

Didi: mai nahi manti!

Me: woh kyo didi?

Didi: kyoki tumhare pass itna accha ganna (sugar cane) hai to use koi to chusne ke liye bavli hogi.

Me: magar didi iske liye kisi ladki ko ye ganna dikhna to chayea na.

Didi: ha ye bath bhi sahi hai magar maine to ise dekh liya to ab kya karoge?

Me: mai apko nahi rokunga didi agar aapko is ganne ko chusna ho to! Phir didi mere aur pass ake let gaye aur hug kar liya bad mai mai bhi apna hat as usual uske gaand pe firne laga aur uska gown upar karne laga usne muje khada hone ko kaha aur mai 

Khada ho gaya pir usne mere tshirt ko nikal diya aur mere chest ke bal mai apne unglio ko pirane lagi pir niche a gaye aur mere shorts ko niche kichne lagi jaise jaise mera shorts neche jata vaise vaise mere land ke bal use dikhne lage aur pir aant mai mera land mere shorts ke elastic se choot se fourcefully bahar aya aur uske gaal pe lag gaya phir usne mera land dekh ke kaha ke tere jija ka bhi itna hi size ka hai aur muje 

Bada maza ata hai phir maine bhi uska gown utarne ke liye usko khada kiya aur uske gown ki zip piche se khol de jaise ji maine uska gown uski gardan se niche kiya aur fatse woh niche gir gaya aur maine dikha ki usne andar kuch nahi pehna tha aur mai uske badi bade gando ko dekhta hi rah gaya aur ab mera land uski gaand ki beech mai ghum raha tha aur uski gando ko chum raha tha. 

Tabhi maine apne hato ko piche se uski gando ko jor se dabana suru kiya to usne kaha ki kya kar rahe ho kabhi kisi ki gaand nahi dekhi kya? to maine kaha ki mere jaan magar tere jaise gaand nahi dekhe hai aur dabana chalu rakha phir piche se hi uske boobs dabane laga aur apne lund ko uski gaand se ragadne laga aur thodi deer mai woh bhi form mai a gaye thi to usne muje hata diya aur bed per lat gaye aur muje apne 

Chuth ko chatne ko kaha to mai bhi apne juban tayar kar ke uski chuth ko barabar se saaf karne laga kuch der chatne ke bad uska pani nikal na suru ho gaya to mai samaj gaya ki ab muje mera land uski chuth mai dalna padega. baad mai maine uski tango ko faila diya aur uski chuth ko kholne ko kaha to usne apne dono hatho se apne choot ke hotho ko khol diya aur baad mai maine apne land ka supara uski gulabi chooth mai 

Dala to vo apna seer ko piche kar ke siskiya lene lagi to maine bhi apda pura land uski choot mai dalna suru kar diya 4-5 shoot mai mera pura 7 inch ka lauda uski choot mai sama gaya tha aur andar bahar ho raha tha aur pura bed room pachak pachak ki awaz se gunj utha tha. jaise ke yeh mera pehla sex experience tha is liye mai jaide se jar gaya aur uski choot mai hi apna virya ko pravahit kar diya pir hum dono bathroom 

Mai chale gaye aur bath le ke a kar so gaye dusre din subha jub humne beakfast finish kiya sur vo kitchen mai kuch kam kar rahi thi juk juk ke aur mere nazzar uski badi badi gaando par padi to mai apna breakfast ko adhura chodke kitchen mai chala gaya aur spna shorts nikal kai apne lund ko uski gaand se ragadne laga magar vo to juki hue hi the to maine dono hatho se uske kamar ko pakda aur piche se uske gown ki bahar se 

Uske gaand ke hole mai apna lund dalne laga aur mera lund ek-dum steel sa solid tight ho gaya tha tabhi woh sidha ho gaye jis se uski gaand press hue aur mere lund ko jakadliya. Tabhi usne kaha ke tel 2nd shelf mai rakha hai, itna sunke hi maine woh tel ko apne laude ke upar laga diya aur uske gown ko upar kiya aur uske ek pair ko kitchen platform pe rakha aur baad me apna oily land ko uske gaand ke hole pe rakha 

Aur dhire dhire dhhaka marne laga to woh kehne lagi ke nahi nahi please nikal do bahut dard ho raha hai, par ithar to salo se mere upar uski gaando ka bhoot savar tha mai kaise rukne wala tha so maine apne speed badhali aur pura ka pura apna land uski gand me dal diya aur uski gando ki andar ki garmi ko mahsoos karne laga aur shoot lene laga wow kya jannat ka ehsas ho raha tha tabhi maine uske dono boobs ko pakad 

Liya aur usko pakad ke mai uski gaand ko apne aur kichta tha aur yo chilla rahi thi bas karo please ab bas karo magar maine use use speed mai uski badi badi gando ko 30 min tak choda aur ragda bad mai use gand mai maine apna virya chod diya aur apne dato se uski gaando pe kaat liya to use bhi yeh accha laga baad mai hum doono shower lene chale gaye magar maine waha bhi aur ek bar uski gaando mai apna lund 

Dal diya aur 15 min tak eski gaand mari aur baad mai hum dono fresh ho kar bathroom ke bahar a gaye aur muje laga ki mera laund trupt ho gaya ho magar up din ko hum log ne firse chodne ka program 3 bar kiya aur agle 4 dino tak hum dono gaar mai nange hi ghumte the jub bhi mera man karta to mai uski gaando mai apna lund dal kar hila leta aur apna virya uski gaando mai chod deta, kabhi man karta to uske boobs 

Ko chusta kabhi wo mere paas a ke mere laude ko chusne lagne aur apne gaando ko mere laude ke sth rahadti bus aise hi hamare 5-6 naked days finish ho gaye aur woh apne sasural vapas chale gaye magar abse har vacation mai vo mere paas apne gaand marvane ati thi. Dosto please reply me your comments aap ko mere yah chudai kaise lagi please any aunty or teen girls want my 7inch lund reply me 

Ghamandi Mom Ka Ghamand Padosi Ne Toda

Posted: 10 Nov 2011 06:49 AM PST

Mera naam priti hai mai 10th mai padhti hi mere ghr mai hum 4 log hai mere dad meri mom aur mera chota bhai jo hostel mai rehta hai mere dad medical rap hai aur meri mom housewife hai jo ki bhut bade ghr se hai yeah story meri mom ki hai jo bhut hi sunder aur sexy hai aur ghamandi bhi.meri mom ka name ishaa hai unki height 5.8 feet hai aur fig 36 32 34 hai unki thighs moti hai aur muscular bhi kyuki who daily

Gym jati hai mai bhi unke saath gym jati thi mom hmesha salwar aur t shirt daalkar gym jati thi sbhi log unhey ghoortey they mom bhi hmesha shw off krti thi isliye log unhey ghoortey they mai aur mom bhut hi jyada frank hai but mom strict bhi hai mom ka figure jabardast hai dad job ki wajah se jyada tar bahar hi rehtey they mom bhut frank thi mere saath hmari building mai 3 flats they jisme do hmare they jb bhi mom

Balcony mai kaam kr rhi hoti thi tau hmari saath wali building mai ek aadmi rehta tha wohmom ko ghoorta rehta thi who waha akela rehta tha woh hmari society ka secretry bhi tha uska naam rahul thi ek baar mai jb terrace par ja rhi thi tb maine dekha tha ki rahul uncle mom ki salwar haath mai leke muth maar rha tha mai who dekhke dang reh gyi mai samajh gyi ki who meri mom ko chodna chahta hai maine mom se kaha

Mumma aap itne achey suits na dala kro log aapko ghoortey hai mom (smiles) Priti don't take tension log tau ghoortey hi hai ussey kuch nhi hota fir holi mai mere dad office tour par they tau society se holi celebration ka invitation aaya mom ne uss din yellow suit pehna tha aur hum bahar chale gye waha sb ek dusre ke colour laga rhe they aur wishes de rhe they itne mai dance party suru ho gyi maine dekha uncle ne

Bhut pee rakhi thi aur mom waha se uthke jane lagi thi mom ke face par colour laga hua tha aur mom ne juda kr rakha tha mai bhi apne ghr par ja rhi thi jb maistairs tak pahunchi tau maine dekha mom rahul ke saath parking mai khadi thi aur woh mom ke ph se baat kr rha tha. Usne mom ko pakadke diwaar ke saath laga diya aur smooch krne lag gya mom virodhkrne lagipar kuch faida nhi hua woh 5 minutes tak haath ferta

Rha fir mom dhakka deke bhaagkr ghr aagyi mom sidha ghr aakar bathroom mai chali gyi mom ka mud off tha I ask mom your fed up and she said its just headache par mujhe pta tha ki baat kya hai uncle ka landline mai ph aaya maine ph mom ko deke apne room mai chali gyi mom ussey bhut daant rhi thi usne sorry kaha and convince kiya mom ne kaha its ok shaam ko mom ne red salwar aur yellow

Kameej pehna hua tha dene mai apne friends ke saath ghoomne chali gyi wapis aayi tau dekha mom khana bna rhi thi itne mai bell baji aur Rahul uncle aaye ne pucha kya hai usne kaha happy holi and sorry aur mujhe gift pakda diya aur kaha yeh society ki taraf se hai ab sab normal tha maine mom ko kaha mom today you looking very sexy mom smiles of fir mai aur mom gaadi leke shoping mall chale

Gye jruri samaan lene mom ne jruri samaan liya aur hum ghr aagye raastey mai mom ko bhut sms aa rhe they sayad who rahul uncle ke they mom ne nichey se ghr lock kiya aur hum uper aagye mai sone chali gyi mom ghr ka samaan theek kr rhi thi kaafi der koi awaaj nhi aayi maine jakar dekha tau mai dekhkar dang reh gyi maine dekha mom ki red salwar stairs par nichey padi thi aur thodi aage hi mom

Ki yellow kameej door mai tangi hui thi maine dekha uper wale hmare flat mai Rahul mom ne saath jabardasti kr rha tha mom white bra aur brown panty mai thi Rahul sandozz mai tha.rahul ne mom ko nichey lita rakha tha aur jabardasti kr rha thi mom ro rhi thi aur virodh kr rhi thi yeh dekhke mera tau discharge ho gya mai fingering krne lag gyi itne mai uncle nange ho gye mom unka 10 inch ka tool dekhke

Ghabra gyi aur kehne lagi plss aisa mat kro meri lyf kharab mat kro Rahul ne kaha aaram se chudwa le warna shor machake tereko badnaam krwa dung aur mom ne muh mai lund daal diya aur dhakke maarne lag gya mom ke bangles ki awaaj aarhi thi usne mom ki bra uper ki aur boobs choosne lag gya mom bhi hot ho rhi thi fir usne mom ko litaya aur mom ki brown panty size se pakkad ke utaarne lga mom

Ne kha please kachchi mat utaaro mai haath jodti hu mom ke face par ek satisfaction dikh rhi thi usne lund mom ki pussy par tikaya mom ne tool pakad liya aur kaha please andar mat nikaalna usne kaha promise andar nhi nikaluga aur ek hi jhatke mai saara andar daal diya mom jor se chilaayi aur legs fold kr li usne bahar nikaal liya usne mom ko uthaya aur gaaand ke nichey pillow laga diya aur dick

Daala mom jor se chilaayi please bahar nikalo meri womb ko touch kr rha hai usne bina kuch suney dhakke maarna suru kr diya aur 1 hr dhakke maarta rha usne koi capsule kha rakha tha beech mai mom ko pisaab bhi nikal gya tha par usne parwaah nhi ki aur chodtarha mom  bhi gaand utha utha ke dhakkke maar rhi thi usne dick bahar nikalaa usne mom ko smooch ki aur kha kaha nikalu mom

Ne kaha please bahar nikaalna mai fertility par hu yeh sunkar woh josh mai aagya usne dhakke maarna suru kiya aur mom ko kass ke pakad liya aur saara maal mom ki chut mai nikaal diya 5 min who aise hi leta rha jb who hta tb mom ki chut mai se white whitemaal tapak rha tha mom ne apni kachchi uthai aur pehan li aur waha let gyi mom se chala nhi ja rha tha

Rahul: kaisa lga fucked ishaa

Mom: bastard maine kha tha na ki bahar nikaalna idiot

Horny desi girls tits sucked fondled and kissed during foreplay by relative MMS

Posted: 10 Nov 2011 06:45 AM PST

Desi girl showing tits during sex foreplay with boyfriendIndian guy fondling tits of girlfriend while chatting with her
Horny desi girl with her top pulled down juicy tits and navel exposed and her relative fondling and kissing them during sex foreplay in this hot MMS.
File size: WMV - 4.90 MB, 3gp - 1.25 MB ; Playing time: 2:07 mins
Click on the links below to download Horny desi girls tits sucked fondled and kissed during foreplay by relative MMS:-
Crocko:- WMV | 3gp
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Joke: Two boys are playing hockey...

Posted: 10 Nov 2011 06:44 AM PST

Two boys are playing hockey on a pond in Denver's City Park when one of the boys is suddenly attacked by a crazed Rottweiler. Thinking quickly the other boy takes his hockey stick, shoves it under the dog's collar, twists it and breaks the dog's neck, saving his friend.

A reporter is standing by, sees the incident, and rushes over to interview the boy.

"Young Avalanche Fan Saves Friend from Vicious Animal", he starts writing in his notebook. "But I'm not an Avalanche Fan", the little boy replies. "Sorry but since we're in Denver, I just assumed you were", says the reporter and starts writing again. "Broncos Fan Rescues Friend From Horrific Attack", he writes in his notebook. "I'm not a Broncos fan either", the boy says. "Oh, I assumed everyone in Denver was either for the Broncos or Avalanche. What team do you root for?" "I'm a Red Wings fan", the boy replies. The reporter starts a new sheet in his notebook and writes: "Little Bastard From Detroit Kills Beloved Family Pet."

Akash with hot mother Pooja - II

Posted: 10 Nov 2011 06:44 AM PST

Welcome back to the exciting second part of this story. I really hope u guys n gals like it. First of all I would like to say that I'm really very sorry for posting this story so late. But, Thanks for all the comments which all u guys have posted. I know that the story was quite lengthy, so most of you must have skipped it the half way through.

But I would really want to encourage them to read it completely to enjoy the story. For all those who haven't read the first part, I would request them sincerely to read the first part as it would make sense b4 continuing on this part.

So coming back to the continuation of my first part. As I laid my mom on the bed, and laid down myself onto her side. I shifted the hair locks away from her face, and rolled them back behind her ears. This made her entire face visible to me, her eyes were fixed on to my face, I could sense fear, guiltiness, and shame in them.

But above all what encouraged me to go ahead was the slight sparkle in her eyes, it said that she didn't want me to stop. I started to caress her face with my hands, bent a little to kiss her forehead. And the kisses followed leaving a wet trail all over her face. After her forehead was her eyes, I sucked in the droplet formed on the edge of the eye.

Next was her nose, then finally came her lips. Her lips were so full, pouty, she never ever applied lipstick to her lips, still they were so bright pink in colour. I kissed ever so lightly on her lips, she tried to turn her face away, but couldn't as I had her face in my hands firmly. I gave her another peck on her lips, now my lips stayed there for a longer time.

I could feel warm breaths escape from her mouth onto my lips, I opened my mouth, and started to lick her lips slightly with my tongue. I didn't want to make her feel dirty about it. Mom slowly understood what I wanted and opened her mouth slightly, My tongue entered her mouth and met her tongue.

Slowly she started to reciprocate the kiss which had now become a hot and wild kiss. Our tongues were exchanging our saliva's and we really lost track of time, I really don't remember for how long we were kissing until, mom backed off a little bit. Her lips had turned red from the serious assault which they had received just a little while ago.

She had a smile on her face. She seemed satisfied, not completely but I could see that she was now completely under my control. My hands moved slowly over to her bosoms, from her face. I saw her nipples, which were placed so magnificently over her boobs. I slowly blew her hot air over her nipples.

She got goose bumps which surrounded her areola, her nipples were the first to respond to my blowing. They straightened up and stood erect. They looked gorgeous. I licked her nipples gently, and I heard her moan for the first time. Though it was more of a hiss, it was enough to give me a solid hard on.

I started licking and sucking her nipples and was pressing her other boob simultaneously. I was shifting my mouth from one boob to the other, her hisses had turned into moans, and I could feel my cock strain against my boxer shorts, waiting to get free. It must have been kind of suffocating for him down there trapped in the shorts. I still had all my clothes on me.

I slowly lifted myself up and yanked out my t-shirt. The feel of her bare skinned breasts against my chest felt so warm. I continued my licking and sucking, but with more fervour this time. Though I wasn't been rough on her as I could nothing to give her pain. Her moans were becoming louder and then suddenly she did something which was totally unexpected.

I felt her hand on my crotch over my jeans. This was the first time she had actively participated in the love making. I helped her by unbuttoning my fly, and slowly dragging down my jeans along with the boxer shorts. She caught hold of my manhood and started stroking it. I looked at her in her eyes, And kissed her once again.

I started moving downwards, from her breasts, onwards to her tummy which was so yum. As soon I flicked her navel with my tongue, she exhaled so rapidly with a hiss. Her hands were roaming on my head, I needed to move forward towards the place which was the most beautiful place in this entire world. After lingering for some time around her navel. I moved down further.

I felt her pubes on my chin, I was continuously kissing her stomach and moving downwards. Her pubes had a tickling feeling on my face. I could smell the aroma emancipating from her beneath, and it driving me wild. I laid my eyes on her vaginal lips, they were so very beautiful. Felt like I could have it in front of my eyes forever. I darted out my tongue and flicked it across her pussy lips, she quivered under my lick and let out a big moan.

I began entering my tongue inside her vaginal walls, trying to get in as much as possible. I wanted to taste each and every part of her pussy, the taste and the smell was driving me crazy. I put my hands underneath her thighs and lifted them a little so that I could have more access to her love hole.

I went on licking the lips, along with nibbling the clit which stood up proudly coz of all the attention it received. I was just not willing to make any move from that place, as it felt like heaven. I knew she was very close to Cumming, I could make out that from her moans. And yes finally it happened. Her love juices gushed out of her body like a volcano eruption.

She was buckling her body heavily and trying to pull my head much closer than it already was, I literally found it difficult to cope up with her orgasm, My mouth was smeared with her love juices, it was a feeling that I could haven't imagined ever in my life. Yes it was happening, and I was definitely loving each and every drop of it.

Her orgasm started to subside slowly, she began getting calm as time progressed. I was busy licking her pussy dry. As she lay on the bed motionless, but still breathing a bit heavily, I felt her hands tug on my shoulders. She was trying to pull me up to face her. I helped myself upwards, until I had her gaze bolted on me straightaway.

I saw the satisfaction in her eyes, She kissed me lightly on my lips and said "thank you". There really wasn't any need for it at this moment, but I definitely wasn't going to ask her the reason for it. As a token of appreciation I kissed her back, but this time our lips remained entangled for a longer while. I was so very deeply engrossed in sucking on her rosy lips that I lost count of time.

Then she slowly brought her hand between our bodies and caught hold of my manhood, I gave her some space between us by shifting on one side slightly. She started stroking my cock very lightly, the touch of her warm hand over my cock felt so amazing. It was increasingly becoming difficult for me hold on myself cumming right now, but i'd to control it somehow.

The tinkling sound made by her bangles rubbing against my body was adding to the sexual tension. At some point I blurted it out, and requested her "Mom, please. I won't be able last any longer if u continue this way". She kissed me back and pulled me over her. With my cock already in her hand, she guided it to the entrance of her pussy.

I felt a warm opening on the tip of my penis, the soft skin of her petals was feeling, I just have ran out of words to explain what it really felt like. We continued our kissing, and she lifted her legs and crossed them on my back. She pushed me slightly with her legs, and I could feel my penis entering in her love hole slowly.

It was so warm, so comforting, it was engulfing me entirely, it was not just the penis, but I felt like my entire body is being sucked in by some un natural force. I went down slowly until our pubes met, I had entered her completely. I stayed there motionless for a while, trying to absorb all the love which she had to offer me. I laid a kiss on her forehead, and then her lips.

I began nibbling on her ear and her neck, and I heard her say, "Beta, make love to me". On hearing her say that, I pulled my cock out of her pussy until only the head was inside her. And started to push back slowly. I started pumping my cock in her pussy slowly, but deeply and steadily. A moan escaped her mouth every single time I pumped my cock to the fullest.

Slowly I increased my speed, I felt her nails scratch my back so vigorously. She was holding me tightly, her breasts were been crushed under my chest. I continued pumping her with all the strength I had got, I was sweating. I then lifted my body on my arms, I held her wrists and held her arms tightly on either sides of her head.

I could now see her entire face and those magnificent boobs jump along with my every stroke. Sweat drops trickled down my forehead on to her breasts, which twinkled in the light of the bed side lamp. I brought my head down and licked her nipples, it tasted awesome, the mixed taste of mine and her sweat along with the sweetness of her nipples and areola was driving me crazy.

My pumping speed had increased to the maximum that I could have managed. I told her that I was about to cum, she started trembling as she must have felt her own orgasm nearing, she said to come inside her. Finally I came, I was literally shivering when I came, I felt she came too, as she was buckling underneath my body.

I lay there upon her in the same position, she was holding me tight with her arms wrapped around me. My penis started to shrink inside her pussy, I really didn't want myself to pull it out of her love hole. But I did move slightly, it came out with a plop. It was completely smeared in the mixture of our juices combined. We lay beside each other completely exhausted. We stayed there in the same position for a long time.

I looked at her and noticed that she was looking at me too. She gave a smile and said "thank you", I knew the reason behind it. Ever since I was born, she and dad rarely had time to make love. Also there was the added responsibility of her in-laws. I pulled myself a bit up and kissed her on her cheek. And said to her, "Let's have a shower".

She nodded and accompanied me inside the shower, we made love there too. This time there was equal participation from her, she wanted me as much as I wanted her. We came out and dried ourselves, and slumped on the bed. Next morning she woke me up with a kiss on my cheeks, it was the most pleasant morning, I saw her she was almost dressed and ready to leave.

She was smiling, and looked content. We left the hotel and continued on our way to Mumbai. It was a trip that I'll never forget in my life. We never slept with each other all these days, nor did we discuss it among ourselves.

My mom just said one thing, "Let this incident stay in our memories as a wild dream, and cherish it for years to come". I really hope that this dream stays with me forever. Well guys that's it, I really hope u guys like this story. Please comment.

Sex Advice: Guy cumming in 50 seconds

Posted: 10 Nov 2011 06:43 AM PST

Question. I am 21. My penis is very small, but I inserted it in my partner's vagina and in 50 seconds, dropped my sperms. We are very sad about this. Please help.

Answer. Small or big, you have had intercourse. You are very excited and so you discharge quickly. Google the stop and start technique. Take Confido tablets (Himalaya) - one tablet twice a day for six weeks on an empty stomach.

New Delhi girlfriend posing nude showing mammoth boobies pics

Posted: 10 Nov 2011 06:42 AM PST

Hot pics of New Delhi girlfriend posing nude inside the bathroom showing her mammoth boobies.

New Delhi girlfriend posing nude showing mammoth boobies pics

Posted: 10 Nov 2011 06:42 AM PST

Hot pics of New Delhi girlfriend posing nude inside the bathroom showing her mammoth boobies.

Bangalore girl posing nude showing tits ass and pussy by partner pics

Posted: 10 Nov 2011 06:41 AM PST

Hot pics of sexy Bangalore posing nude after hot fucking session with partner showing her lovely tits ass and pussy and getting squeezed.

Newly married Mallu couple having anal sex and guy cumming in ass MMS 2

Posted: 10 Nov 2011 06:41 AM PST

Mallu guy showing his circumcised dick during sex foreplayHorny South Indian Kerala guy entering his dick into wifes ass hole during anal sex
Second part in which the Mallu couple continues to enjoy their anal sex session and the guy cums in his wifes ass and sperm leaking out.
File size: WMV - 9.75 MB, 3gp - 2.75 MB ; Playing time: 4:14 mins
Click on the links below to download Newly married Mallu couple having anal sex and guy cumming in ass MMS 2:-
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Booby desi bhabhi in black panty showing juicy big tits hidden cam MMS

Posted: 10 Nov 2011 06:41 AM PST

Desi bhabhi in black panty showing lovely tits while changing dress hidden cam shot
Booby desi bhabhi standing topless wearing only black panty showing her mouth watering tits while changing clothes caught in this hidden cam MMS.
File size: WMV - 480 KB, 3gp - 170 KB ; Playing time: 13 secs
Click on the links below to download Booby desi bhabhi in black panty showing juicy big tits hidden cam MMS:-
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UP girl stripped naked showing cunt and butthole MMS

Posted: 10 Nov 2011 06:41 AM PST

North Indian girl from Uttar Pradesh removing white panty showing clean shaven pussyNorth Indian girl standing naked showing tits and pussy to boyfriend
UP girl stripping naked taking off her tight undies showing her lovely tits and gaand bending over to reveal her cunt and butthole to her boyfriend in this MMS.
File size: WMV - 3.25 MB, 3gp - 850 KB ; Playing time: 1:23 mins
Click on the links below to download UP girl stripped naked showing cunt and butthole MMS:-
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Joke: As I Mature...

Posted: 10 Nov 2011 06:40 AM PST

I've learned that you can't make someone love you.

All you can do is stalk them and hope they panic and give in. I've learned that no matter how much I care, some people are just assholes. I've learned that it takes years to build up trust, and it only takes suspicion, not proof, to destroy it. I've learned that you can get by on charm for about fifteen minutes. After that you better have a big willy or huge boobs.

I've learned that you shouldn't compare yourself to others.

They are more screwed up than you think. I've learned that you can keep vomiting long after you think you're finished. I've learned that we are responsible for what we do, unless we are celebrities. I've learned that regardless of how hot and steamy a relationship is at first, the passion fades, and there had better be a lot of money to take it's place. I've learned that 99 of the time, when something isn't working in your house, one of the kids did it. I've learned that the people you care most about in life, are taken from you too soon, and all the less important ones just never go away.

Sumit and Riya on honeymoon in Bangkok - I

Posted: 10 Nov 2011 06:40 AM PST

Sumit and Riya were newly married and both the couples in their mid twenties were united from a match made by their families. Sumit in his late twenties works at a multinational company while Riya in her mid twenties had just finished her studies. Both of them only could meet a couple of times before their marriage and so decided to make out to a romantic honeymoon trip to know each other better.

Sumit was maniac about visiting Bangkok since his college days but had never got the opportunity to do so before. But now given a wide range of choice to choose for his honeymoon he leapt in joy and chose for nothing else but Bangkok.

The two families came to the airport to bid the couple farewell on their week's trip to the heaven (they thought) the flight to Bangkok went uneventful with Sumit indulging himself in the pleasure of free wine and Riya all excited about her first trip aboard an airplane.

The flight landed in Bangkok in time and both of them got out of the airport following the immigration checks. They hired a taxi which took them to the hotel they had booked. It was almost 8 in the evening by the time they checked in and so went back to have dinner after putting their luggage in the room.

The night streets of Bangkok left both of them jaw-dropping while they roamed around the streets through the pubs and the restaurants which offered plenty of entertainment. Finally they settled at one of the restaurants and finished their dinner before returning to their hotel. At night Riya went in to change and get fresh while Sumit ordered for a beer for the night.

Riya stood in front of the mirror combing through her long pretty hairs. She wore a white laced night suit which flowed beautifully through to her legs and she looked extremely beautiful in it. She didn't realized when Sumit came behind her silently and wrapped his hands around her waist.

And when she turned he bent down closer and kissed her soft lips and soon starting to nibble at her lips sucking them in turns. She allowed his tongue to enter and explore her mouth from inside while he kept squeezing her ass lovingly from over her dress. Slowly both of them shifted towards the bed where Riya laid on her back while Sumit kept kissing at her neck and shoulders making her hotter and more.

He also pulled her dress up so that he could rub his hands on her bare thighs and all that made her wet from inside. She wanted him to rub her all over her body which was burning with desire by then, she wanted him to pull her dress off spread her legs and fuck her wildly. She was within her thoughts when suddenly a chill ran down her body bringing her back to what Sumit was doing.

He had pulled her dress to her waist by then and had slid his fingers in her panties and was now rubbing her clits with two fingers. Riya was now trembling with pleasure while the rub at her clits were making her damper with each stroke. Sumit could feel her juices wetting his fingers while he started enjoying the restless figure of her wife.

She was now biting her lips with a fisted palm, breathing heavily wanting Sumit to rip her clothes off from her and give her a good wild fuck. Sumit as if realizing her state of mind pulled the dress off her body and threw aside. She was now in her bra and panties only. The black piece of clothes against her milky white skin made her all the more desirable.

Once again Sumit started kissing her neck, shoulder and all over her body. He unhooked the straps of her bra and pushed her hands inside, pressing both of her breasts and making her moan in pleasure. Unable to withstand she took off her bra and lay topless on the bed for her husband to suck and press her breasts as he wished.

Sumit kept sucking her breasts in turn while his hands were pushed deep down in her panties rubbing her clits once again. She winced and squealed but gritted her teeth trying hard not to moan out loudly, but Sumit was making it impossible for her to control her feelings. Sumit had by then shifted her focus completely on her cunt by pulling her panties down and sliding one of his fingers deep inside her.

Soon he found the g-spot and kept rubbing it intentionally, while the color on Riya's face changed in renewed pleasure Sumit quite came to enjoy the helplessness of her wife and kept keeping her at the edge. Soon Riya came to moaning loudly and throwing her legs in wild kicks not able to control her desire within herself.

She felt as if some hot load of juices were on the verge of explosion, the more he rubbed her from inside the more the intensity rose until when it became unbearable for her to hold her bladder. At first she thought she was urinating but only realized that it was her warm juices which were now flowing uncontrollably.

Sumit pulled her hands back relishing the view of his wife's warm juices squirting out uncontrollably on the bed as Riya still reeled from her extended orgasm, Sumit pulled his pants down letting his erect cock jump out into fresh air. And before Riya could take a breather she felt his cock rubbed on her cunt.

She opened her eyes to see Sumit between her legs rubbing his cock on her wait cunt lips and before she could close them back he pushed it slightly and the rest was done by her already wet cunt. The cock was sucked in like a magnet and a rhythm set in with which Sumit started banging her.

The exhausted and helpless look on her face made Sumit all the more kinky and he thought how it would feel to see his wife being fucked by a stranger like that, or by a group of men who would show no mercy and would fill all the holes of the little bitch. Thinking within his mind he produced the greatest orgasm like never before and both of them snuggled up mixed in their own juices unable to move or clean themselves.

Riya laid down with a clean mind still reeling from the heavenly orgasm, Sumit laid down lost in thoughts or kinks of seeing her fucked by a stranger, who knows what might be possible after all they were in Bangkok. And both of them slept like never before.

Sex Advice: Man with abnormally big sized left boob

Posted: 10 Nov 2011 06:39 AM PST

Question. I'm a 20-year-old man. My left boob is abnormally big in size. And some hard muscles are present inside. When I touch it, I feel some pain. Please help.

Answer. You must have it examined by a plastic surgeon or first see your family doctor.

Andhra aunty showing big boobs ass and pussy while sex foreplay pics

Posted: 10 Nov 2011 06:39 AM PST

Hot pics of Andhra MILF aunty showing her big boobs ass cheeks and clean shaven pussy during sex foreplay.

Chennai girl sucking cock and getting cum facial on face pics

Posted: 10 Nov 2011 06:38 AM PST

Hot pics of Chennai girl sucking her boyfriends dick and getting cum facial on her face.

Arab girl masturbating with pillow showing lovely ass cheeks and moaning MMS

Posted: 10 Nov 2011 06:38 AM PST

Horny Arab girl rubbing pussy against pillow and masturbating showing ass cheeks
Arab girl masturbating using a pillow and showing her lovely ass cheeks and moaning loudly in pleasure in this cock raising MMS.
File size: WMV - 1.30 MB, 3gp - 350 KB ; Playing time: 31 secs
Click on the links below to download Arab girl masturbating with pillow showing lovely ass cheeks and moaning MMS:-
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Desi girl with big boobies fucked till guy cums inside condom MMS

Posted: 10 Nov 2011 06:38 AM PST

Indian whore girl lying naked during sexHorny Indian guy taking out his condom covered dick with sperm inside after sex orgasm
Indian call girl sitting naked after sex with client showing titsIndian prostitute walking towards bathroom for clean up showing lovely ass cheeks
Desi girl with big boobies first riding her partners dick and making her tits jiggle and then getting on her back to get pounded till the guy cums inside his condom and the girl goes to clean up in the bathroom in this must watch MMS.
File size: WMV - 10.70 MB, 3gp - 3.05 MB ; Playing time: 4:43 mins
Click on the links below to download Desi girl with big boobies fucked till guy cums inside condom MMS:-
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Horny student couple fucking in toilet during college day MMS

Posted: 10 Nov 2011 06:37 AM PST

Horny college girl getting fucked by boyfriend on college daySexy college girl showing tits during sex with boyfriend on campus
Horny student couple fucking hard inside the toilet while college day festival is going on in this MMS. Have you ever fucked on campus? Or done something naughty...please post about it in the comments.
File size: WMV - 2.60 MB, 3gp - 715 KB ; Playing time: 1:09 mins
Click on the links below to download Horny student couple fucking in toilet during college day MMS:-
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Sumit and Riya on honeymoon in Bangkok - II

Posted: 10 Nov 2011 06:37 AM PST

Last night was a great experience for both of them, where at one side it brought Riya closer to her husband, at the other side a different kink was burning Sumit since last night but he dared not talk about it with Riya for he knew she would never approve something like that. The morning was spent in roaming the streets of Bangkok, shopping and experienced a different culture all together. Soon the day wore off as the sun set and evening set upon them.

They came back to the hotel for a brief before heading out for the evening. Riya dressed in a knee length skirt and a simple top which made Sumit steal glimpses of her often. They headed to a nearby pub which was quite a popular joint within both locals and tourists. They sat at a table in the corner enjoying the crowd, the dance floor etc. People were making out all around, kissing and getting intimate with each other but Riya started feeling a little uncomfortable.

Sumit who was clearly enjoying dismissed her feelings and fetched her some drink. He knew that Riya never had alcohol in her life and so he cunningly ordered for a alcohol punch which would not taste like one but have the effect nevertheless. Riya was quite high after a few drinks, the kind of effect Sumit wanted and when he was sure that Riya was not in her senses he asked her for a dance.

Her state was quite evident from the way she walked up to the dance floor and both of them vanished inside the thick crowd on the floor. Sumit embraced her while dancing as they had to dance quite close due to the packed floor. He looked at her eyes and saw her in a trance and the looks on her face from the previous night flashed in front of her, with that flashed in her the kink he developed recently.

Smiling within he slid his hands in her skirt rubbing her ass in order to warm her a bit when suddenly a bold idea struck his mind and slowly and unnoticed he pulled down her panties from under her skirt and put it in his pockets. She wasn't at the state to protest and was now naked beneath her skirt. He had his hands in her skirt rubbing and squeezing her ass making her moaned out slowly.

The ones near them could faintly make out her moans and suddenly she started drawing some attention. Realizing that Sumit pulled her out of the dance floor and took her to a table at the corner, they were followed by some keen eyes who understood the state she was in. Sumit put her on the couch at the table and decided to make space and he went off to get some drinks to the bar which was a bit far away from the table at the corner.

The eyes which were following the couple soon settled around the table Sumit left Riya at. Secretly aware Sumit didn't make to the bar but took a vantage position from where he could see his wife. Riya was leaning on the couch, her eyes half closed half opened when 2 local Thai men made the first move. Sumit got excited seeing 2 men now coming around and settling by the couch her wife was on.

One of them rubbed her legs but Riya didn't protest or rather was not conscious enough to do. This gave them enough courage to get closer as both of them now flanked her. While one of them started pressing her breasts the other spread her legs and worked her hands up to her bare cunt feeling her wet lips.

Soon she started moaning with one guy sucking her breasts which he pulled out from her top while the other finger fucked her. Watching all of this Sumit was having a hard on and struggled not to touch his cock or get it touched. His breathes had become deep while he was seeing his kink coming true right in front of his eyes.

And he got lost in thoughts of seeing her fucked in public by them, he closed his eyes briefly and felt an helpless need to relief himself. He couldn't carry on and had to go to the toilet to masturbate. Once done his kink also cooled down and he realized what mess he had put Riya into and wanted to get her out of it quickly and ran back from the toilet towards the lousy corner he had left them at.

Reaching there he was surprised to see no one around. No sign of Riya or the guys who were feeling her up. He checked all around to make sure he was at the right corner but they were nowhere to find. He even jostled in and out of the dance floor but found no clue of her wife in there. Tensed and scared he started looking in every direction. He was suddenly pulled in a dark corner by an innocent looking man dressed as one of the servers.

He asked him whether the he was looking for the Indian lady. Sumit nodded frantically looking for any news, the server told him that the 2 guys his wife was with took her with them outside and told him to save her if he could. Puzzled Sumit didn't understood what he asked her to save from but ran immediately towards outside.

On reaching outside he started looking here and there when suddenly at a far end of the street he saw the 2 guys dragging Riya in a black van. He immediately started shouting and running towards them, realizing the threat the duo pulled her up quickly and hopped in the car themselves too.

Sumit tried yelling Riya's name over the noise of Bangkok, but his voice was not good enough to reach her, or even if it did she was not in a state to react and all for her husband's fault. The van started rolling as soon as all of them were inside and they slid the door closed concealing any glimpses of his wife inside.

Sumit started running behind the van madly hoping to catch up with it at any of the signals but the van seemed to be moving up in a nice pace and Sumit was at the brink of tumbling down from all that running and shouting. But he sure was attracting a lot of attention as passer bys stood for moment to watch in their amusement what was going on and just when he thought he was gaining on the van which had to stop momentarily at a signal,

a similar looking van pulled by his side and 2 hands came out of nowhere and dragged him in too. The inside was too dark for him to make out anything and the 2 hands now joined by 2 other had a tight grip on him. And before he could move or twist further he felt a prick of a needle at his neck. An injection with a powerful sedative was injected in Sumit, which made him feel heavy and dizzy immediately.

The noise of the road soon started to appear a distant thing before his sight became darker and darker gradually before becoming black forever. His lump body dropped like a lifeless doll on the floor of the van, and the 2 vans carrying the wife and the husband moved unquestioned through the normal night streets of Bangkok towards its unknown destination.

Joke: Mammogram Poem

Posted: 10 Nov 2011 06:36 AM PST

I've never had a mammogram before, but now, I'm REALLY not looking forward to it.. For years and years they told me, Be careful of your breasts. Don't ever squeeze or bruise them.

And give them monthly tests. So I heeded all their warnings, And protected them by law. Guarded them very carefully, And I always wore my bra. After 30 years of astute care, My gyno, Dr. Pruitt, Said I should get a Mammogram "OK, " I said, "let's do it." "Stand up here real close" she said, She got my boob in line, "And tell me when it hurts, " she said, "Ah yes! Right there, that's fine." She stepped upon a pedal, I could not believe my eyes! A plastic plate came slamming down, My hooter's in a vise! My skin was stretched and mangled, From underneath my chin.

My poor boob was being squashed, To Swedish Pancake thin. Excruciating pain I felt, Within it's viselike grip. A prisoner in this vicious thing, My poor defenseless tit! "Take a deep breath" she said to me, Who does she think she's kidding?!? My chest is mashed in her machine, And woozy I am getting.

"There, that's good, " I heard her say, The room was slowly swaying. "Now, let's have a go at the other one." Have mercy, I was praying.

It squeezed me from both up and down, It squeezed me from both sides. I'll bet SHE'S never had this done, To HER tender little hide. Next time that they make me do this, I will request a blindfold. I have no wish to see again, My knockers getting steam rolled. If I had no problem when I came in, I surely have one now. If there had been a cyst in there, It would have gone "ker-pow!" This machine was created by a man, Of this, I have no doubt.

I'd like to stick his balls in there, And see how THEY come out!

Horny South Indian babe kissed caressed showing cleavage masala video

Posted: 10 Nov 2011 06:36 AM PST

Big boobs of South Indian babe fondled and caressed in masala movieSouth Indian girl showing awesome cleavage during softcore sex scene
Horny South Indian babe in bed with her lover who caresses her body while kissing and dry humping seen by a voyeur in this masala video. No Nudity.
File size: WMV - 3.10 MB, 3gp - 810 KB ; Playing time: 1:19 mins
Click on the links below to download Horny South Indian babe kissed caressed showing cleavage masala video:-
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