Saturday, November 12, 2011

India's Favourite Sex Scandal Blog

India's Favourite Sex Scandal Blog

Kanpur housewife showing big tits in hotel lobby pics

Posted: 12 Nov 2011 08:01 AM PST

Hot pics of naughty Kanpur housewife exposing her mouth watering big tits in hotel lobby shot by her husband. Ever done such naughty things inside a hotel lobby? Please post about your wild sexperiences in the comments.

Sex Advice: Does blood donation cause sexual problems?

Posted: 12 Nov 2011 08:00 AM PST

Question. I am 19 years old. In a week, I have sex four to five times with my girlfriend. Recently, I got an invitation from my friend who is part of a bikers' club. They have organised a blood donation camp this month. I have heard that donating blood causes sexual problems like decreasing sexual stamina and low performance. Is it true?

Answer. Certainly not. The pint of blood that you will donate will be replaced by your body within a few hours.

Booby college professor showing sexy tits and ass after fucking student pics

Posted: 12 Nov 2011 08:00 AM PST

Hot pics of a booby college professor showing her lovely naked body and posing in skimpy bra panties to show her sexy tits and ass cheeks after fucking with student while husband is out of country.

Sumit and Riya on honeymoon in Bangkok - III

Posted: 12 Nov 2011 07:59 AM PST

Riya's head felt heavy as he came to her senses, she was lying on a skimpy bed in a room barely 6 ft X 4 ft of which the bed covered the most of the space. She woke up her head still feeling the effects of the strong sedative she was given, the same which her husband was subjected to in the other van.

She sat upright on the bed not able to remember anything but looked around to find her even more amazed in being such a place. She tried remembering what happened last night but could only remembered being at the pub with Sumit, having a few drinks, a close dance with her husband, and then being intimate with him, after that nothing came back to his mind.

She couldn't remember that it was not her husband who she got intimate with at the pub last night. How they sucked and finger fucked her nicely while she enjoyed the touching and rubbing of her cunts. After that they carried her out with them to the van and seeing Sumit running across the streets towards them they had to inject her with the sedative.

After that till now she was sleeping, the van reached its destination and she was brought in this room and left sleeping. But she remembered nothing of this all she cared as of now to find out Sumit, find out where they were, and to get out as soon as possible from that filthy little hole.

She stood up and tried opening the door which refused to budge. She realized it was locked but by whom? Was it possible that Sumit might have woke before her and gone out to arrange for breakfast or something and locked the door not wanting anyone else to venture in the room, she thought that to be correct to keep her mind at ease. But soon as time wore on she started feeling restless and knocked at the door couple of times calling for help.

Moments later the door opened and 2 Thai guys came in. A flurry of questions followed "Who are you?", "Where is this place?", "Where is my husband?". The 2 men nodded and asked her to follow her and they would take her to her husband. Riya followed them out of the room in the small corridor which ran across several rows of similar doors with room numbers on them.

She thought it must be some kind of a hotel where they might have stayed last night not able to reach their own hotel. The duo guided her up and down several stairs to a grand room, decorated luxuriously. A fat looking Thai guy was sitting at the head of a huge oak table which donned the center of the room.

A few other men were standing around attentively or sitting on the couches laid across the walls at the other side. The room was intricately designed with fine Thai sculptures of dragons and Buddha and carpeted end to end in soft furry carpets. And she found it difficult to match this room with the one she woke up into.

The duo walked her up to the man at the table who looked liked the one in charge and Riya started asking her all sorts of questions. The man laughed out loudly asking her to calm down and told that her husband was also with them. Riya couldn't understand what was going on and wanted an explanation of what was going on.

The man smiled and said that they had recruited her for their club "the Crazy Budhha" at this Riya frowned and before she could speak the man continued. He told her how they have brought her from the club they were in yesterday and at what state. He opened his drawer and took out Riya's panties from them and put on the table "I guess these are yours".

That was the first time Riya realized she was not wearing any panties and also felt lots of dried cum juices on her thighs. Her eyes opened wide to the thoughts of being raped while she was unconscious, and she snatched up the panties from the table quickly inviting a round of laughter across the room. Riya was shivering with fear when the boss continued further.

The man was Xiao and he was the owner of the night club "the Crazy Buddha" where they employed girls of all ages and ethnicity for prostitution. Riya couldn't believe what her ears heard and she demanded to be released immediately inviting another round of laughter. Xiao now took out another box from the drawer and opened it on the table.

Riya's eyes couldn't believe what she was seeing. Their passports, tickets and all other documents were in them as Xiao continued coldly saying that he has their passport and tickets and if Riya agrees to work for them for the remaining 4 days of their visa they would release the couple unhurt and in time for their flight back home. Riya was still unmoved but that didn't affected Xiao much he had other ways to make her cooperate.

He switched on the TV at the far corner and to Riya's horror it was Sumit who could be seen in the TV. Sumit was bound in a chair bare bodied with only his boxers on, a blindfold on his eyes stealing his ability to see anything. But he was clearly awoke which was evident from the little movement he could do within his bonds. Riya looked back at Xiao, who now had a cold devilish smile, in horror and pleaded to him to release her husband and let her go.

But Xiao could do nothing more but laugh and when he spoke back his voice had a rather cool and authoritive tone to it. He told to Riya that if she agreed to work for them for the remaining 3 days of their stay they would release both her and her husband unhurt and make sure they go back home.

But if she make any further tantrums or try to escape not only he would destroy her papers meaning to be confined in Bangkok for the rest of her life but also kill her husband. She pressed a button and suddenly few men appeared in the TV with knifes which they put across Sumit's throat. Riya yelled in horror immediately and pleaded to Xiao to spare him and she would do anything they want.

Xiao, pleased with the change in attitude, nodded and pressed the button again and the men moved away. "But remember, one false move and your husband's dead" he threatened her as she was guided out by the 2 men. They took her down in an elevator to a level underground and walked through a corridor which ran against a few closed doors to enter a room at the end of the passage.

A rather rowdy looking Thai lady was sitting inside which looked like a beauty parlor clad with lots of equipments, mirrors and recliners. The men told her something in Thai before leaving her to the lady. She walked around Riya examining her carefully and commenting in between in Thai, then she called out few names and a couple of girls came in from an adjoining room.

They talked within in their language while the girls looked at her in amusement. After sometime they called out another girl with the name Janice who walked in almost immediately. The lady then walked up to her and said in broken English that Janice will tell her what to do and how to behave as she can speak good English and then asked Janice to take Riya with her.

Riya followed Janice to the next room which was a huge hall with beds lined up against both the walls. Most of the beds were occupied by women of all ages and ethnicity, they were all sleeping and some of them didn't even have proper clothes on them. Janice told her that they were all employed with the club and were back late at the dawn after completing their shift,

they were allowed to sleep till 11 after which all must wake up for their breakfast and daily routines. The ones which are empty are for the girls of the morning shift who are already out at work. Both of them stopped at an empty bed and Janice told her that she could use that bed and the very thought and look of the bed almost made her puke.

It was a simple iron bed laid with a thin mattress and a bed sheet. And every bed had a small table and cupboard at each side and the cupboard were filled with various clothes which Riya didn't felt any interest to check out. She still looked down the room at the sleeping girls and then back at Janice full with questions.

They were all employed with the club and work accordingly based on the rosters the management creates for them for the week. They can be chose to work as a stripper, waitress, live exhibit, or simply pimp around their body for money. The club also operates a few glory holes in the morning along with offering their girls on out jobs through their premium sales website.

Janice had been associated with them since the last couple of years she had been in Thailand from her native US as an exchange student actually but was later arrested in a false accusation of drug peddling. Setup by her fellow classmate with whom she refused to sleep once and later one day in the prison men of Xiao met her and dealt to rescue if she agrees to work for the club for certain period but never could get out of all those yet.

Riya who already started feeling comfort at Janice's presence wept to her uncontrollably and Janice comforted her by asking her to bear all of these for her husband's sake and with the view that she only need to go through these for a few days and they are free and back at home and between their well wishers.

Riya didn't knew what she was supposed to do or what they had in their mind for her, Janice didn't wanted to be hard on her by telling what all those crazy men can make her do but it was customary for all new girls to be up on auction for the first night. The words were already spread "Real Indian bride up on sale" was the key headline in the clubs website which expected to draw a lot of attention.

While in the girls dorm Janice had been able to get Riya washed and dressed in fresh clothes. She had been in the top and the skirt since last evening and they also had some food with the rest of the girls. While the other girls had to go through daily routine of exercises and cleaning the club etc. Janice was excused to ease Riya through for her big night.

Janice didn't told her how bad or good the night would be on her but always comforted her with the courage to bear anything that might come. She even suggested Riya to have some sleep in the afternoon as a preparation for a long exhaustive night, though still shaking and sobbing in disgust she fell asleep in her new bed along with the rest of the girls in the dorm.

And in her dreams she escaped far beyond the reaches of Xiao and his henchmen, along with Sumit and with all their loved ones around. She didn't want to wake up and wanted to believe that as the truth and forget all that had happened as one bad dream. Close at 6, Janice woke her up, the rest of the girls were out by then and it was only her and Janice left alone in the room.

She could make out that the club was open from the booming music shaking the floors. Janice told her that it was time for her to get prepared and Madam Kim was waiting for her in the parlor. She took Riya with her to Madam Kim who was preparing her instruments to get Riya ready for the big night.

Madam Kim was kind, though not able to speak English communicated mostly through Janice. Both of them worked on her hairs and skin to make her look shining and beautiful like a bride at her first night. Xiao visited them with a few men and smiled at Riya seeing her looking so beautiful and already counting the money she would sell for that night.

Madam Kim brought out a red satin dress and both of them undressed Riya and she closed her eyes in humiliation being naked in front of the 2 strangers. The dress which flowed beautifully from her shoulders to her ankles was fastened with the 2 strings at the neck leaving the back exposed and then starting from her waist. At the front it was cut deep to expose her beautiful cleavage and then again was cut at her waist to give a glance of her sexy deep navel.

And that was all which was on her, bra and panties were useless for the night. They gave her heels which made her look taller than her already 5ft 6in figure and her 34c breasts looked quite a handful from the dress. It was so beautifully fitted that it complemented her 24 waist and 34 hips wonderfully making her look like a diva. The red and the satin made it even more charming and effective to give anyone an instant hard on.

Xiao's men were back in an hour to take her for her first night. Riya was adamant to see Sumit and so she was allowed to have a glimpse of him on the TV, he was asleep or unconscious but was still alive. Soon they took her through the corridors and elevators crossing a lot of closed doors to a big room fitted with a large queen bed, a sofa and a table.

The room was intricately designed in Thai architecture and at one corner there was an odd looking glass showcase which was 6ft high, and 3 ft in both length and breadth with a door capable enough for human to get in. Just outside she could hear noises and music, the auction was on. The rules were that anyone who had entered the auction with a entry fee of 200 Baht can bid on the object of the day, Riya being the one for that day.

The highest bidder get to win 2 hours with the object, the winner is allowed in the room with his prize and privacy for 2 hours to do anything he wishes and unlike other girls or other events, for the first night only they are allowed to be with the girls without condoms to plant their seeds as and where they want.

As an ethics the winners are always the first to fuck a new girl in the club and often there had been virgins too, being married Riya wasn't a virgin but still was closed to one being only with her husband for a couple of times only before. Big signs of Indian bride on auction donned the street outside and already the bid room was full and buzzing with men for whom Indian brides were a rarity and an experience they won't miss.

Only one lucky and rich among them would have the honor to have the first fuck but a lot of them wanted to catch a glimpse of the girl who would be on offering on normal prices for the following nights. And to cover the entry charges of 200 baht the ones unlucky knew that they can use that credit to choose from the regular girls anyway.

The bid was to start at 10 and Riya finally knew what the showcase was for. She was asked to enter inside the showcase and the door was locked from outside with the key handed over to Xiao. But just before that she was injected with some medicine in her nerves she didn't know for what. Xiao was just adjacent to the room in the bid stage, an elevated platform to showcase the object.

The room was filled with aspiring men who were waiting like a hungry pack of wolves to see the greatest attraction of the night in flesh and blood. Xiao lifted the key for all to see and said this is the key to ecstasy, the key to heaven, the key to the cunt and the body of a beautiful, innocent,

Indian bride 24 years old and married a month ago she had agreed to be the muse for the night and for one lucky gentleman who can bid his rather useless money to return him some worth some worth in terms of milky white free flowing skin, tits juicy and round like melons, cunt deep and decorated with beautiful Indian hairs, lips juicy like grapes,

and waiting to be taken by one lucky you tonight" and with this he motioned at a wide curtain which drew apart and the showcase rolled in. Riya got scared with the sight of so many men hooting and shouting on her appearance, all eyes were on her and as Xiao continued his praises creating stories to get the men all the more hot and paying more.

Slowly she started feeling her head heavy and all those noise fading out, some odd warmth started developing in her body warming her bloods. Her nipples got hard and erected to become prominent from over the cloth and her juices started flowing freely making her hornier along with it. She had been injected with a sex supplement which would make her horny and ready to be used.

The bidding had already started and her growing restlessness forced her to look even raunchier which made sure the prices soar up quickly. It took around 45 minutes to decide a winner and an English gentleman won the prize at 7000 Baht. He was welcomed to the stage and handed the key over he was now free to pull the showcase in the room and had 2 hours with Riya and her current state to do whatever he wished.

And as the crowd started to disperse some still waited to catch the last glimpses till she disappears in the confines of the room. The glass case was gradually but finally pulled in by the winner and the curtains closed leaving the 2 inside the privacy of the room. Riya looked at him nervously but aroused due to the medicine as he unlocked the door and swung it open extending a hand to get her out.

Riya stepped out and was immediately pulled closer for a hug. He squeezed her ass tight while sniffing at her neck for the Indian aroma he paid so heavily for. Riya let out a deep breath feeling the warmth in her growing faster. He then held her head and pulled her closer for a kiss, gradually both of them started sucking each other's lips while he started feeling her breasts and nipples from over the dress.

He turned her around and started kissing on her exposed back and pushed her to the bed and made her lie down on her stomach to kiss her back wildly. He licked along her spinal cord and licked over his entire back while squeezing his ass. A few moments later he spotted the knot which held the dress in place and quickly pulled the strings to get those free.

He pulled Riya back up and the dress fell down to hang from her waist exposing her beautiful firm breasts. She was pushed back on the bed but this time to be played with her breasts. Those were fondled, pressed, nibbled, bit, sucked madly in turns. He seemed to have turned crazy playing with her breasts like a hungry wolf which left her panting and moaning.

Growing wilder and crazier he quickly pulled the dress off from her leaving her naked, he looked wide eyed to her cunt and cunt hairs and moaned loudly before grabbing a handful of her hairs and rubbing them roughly. Riya moaned out loudly with that treatment and spread her legs to attract attention to her soaring pussy.

She was now completely consumed by the drug and was burning in the desire to be used and fucked hard. She was moaning loudly and breathing heavily indicating her state. He quickly touched her clits and started rubbing them and seeing them growing wet so rapidly he inserted a finger and started fucking her with it.

Quickly he pulled his pants with the other hand and assumed a 69 position to let his cock hang just over Riya's face while he kept fucking her cunt with 2 fingers now. Her juices flowing uncontrollably she couldn't bear anymore and grabbed his cock quickly first to stroke wildly but then she took in mouth and started sucking.

Driven with ecstasy she draped his cock with her tongue and massaged it to lick every side and corner of his cock. This made him moan and rub even more. Some pre cum juices started filling her mouth which she gulped voluntarily while juicing herself which was now getting licked by his tongue.

The fingers were replaced by the tongue in between and the cunt tasted so sweet that he couldn't stop enjoying the lick and occasional dives inside her pussy. Both of them were licking and moaning hard as Riya build him up for an orgasm. Realizing he quickly climbed down from her and knelt between her legs.

Her cunt was open, still shivering from the pleasure lick and after rubbing the clits a couple of times with his cock he pushed it inside. Though wet and smooth her cunt was still tight and the feel of the flesh inside her made her squeeze it inside. He grabbed her breasts and started pressing them while fucking her in a comforting rhythm.

It took moments for Riya to reach a level of pleasure and feel her first orgasm, it was divine. A couple more happened while she was fucked missionary, doggy, standing, and sitting on top. But he seemed to continue with the same vigor while Riya was now squealing like a pig already made to orgasm 3 times. But now being on her back again with her legs thrown in the air and wide apart she experienced a new vigor, a renewed strength in his strokes.

She could feel his muscles getting tensed, his breath getting shallower, he grabbed her breasts like a beast stabbing his nails to leave marks and he questioned her "You want my seeds in you?" Riya nodded not knowing what else to say and also not in a condition to say anything.

"Yes bitch you need it, you need my seeds in your filthy cunt, here it comes, oh yes, here it comes to flood you with my hot seeds" he moaned as his strokes became harder and deeper and suddenly it stopped abruptly. Riya opened her eyes but only to realize a hot liquid filling her up from inside, she shivered from top to bottom as his cum filled her up right to her soul.

He waited for the entire load to be out and then stroked a few times more to squeeze the last drop out. Quickly he took his cock out and then climbed on her to offer his cock for cleaning. Unable to move she laid there and licked his cock clean, still feeling his juices spreading in her body and filling her womb, she felt both disgusted and fulfilling with the feeling.

He jumped off getting the cock cleaned and looked at the lump self of the Indian bride one last time. He placed his hand on her pussy sliding a finger inside satisfied to find his juices filling her up completely. He pressed her breasts a couple of times biting on a nipple and then sucking her lips one last time before getting dressed and leaving.

Leaving her behind on the bed, dead like a meat unable to move, speak or even open her eyes, she was lost in exhaustion and sleep while the clock ticked 2. Xiao kept the TV on which still focused on her lump self and came back after washing his cock and hands. He had been seeing his new whore's performance in the secret CC TV and seemed quite satisfied with the bitch's potential to become a high earner.

Joke: Even In Heaven

Posted: 12 Nov 2011 07:58 AM PST

One day Dolly Pardon was fortunate enough to meet Queen Elizabeth. The two became great friends. One afternoon, they asked the limo driver to take them shopping. On the way to the store, a car ran a red light and hit the limo, killing both women.

When they got to Heaven, they were stopped at the gate by St. Peter. He said, "I'm sorry ladies. With the number of recent deaths, there is only room for one of you. Therefore, you must give me a reason to choose you to stay while the other is sent 'down there.'" Dolly gets an evil grin on her face and lifts her shirt, exposing her bare breasts. She says, "Surely this is a sight to be seen and enjoyed by all the men here in Heaven."

St. Peter is happy with this reason, but still has to hear the queen's reason to stay. When told it is her turn to speak, the queen is silent. She lifts her dress, pulls down her panties, takes out a bottle of expensive wine, and douches with it. St. Peter says, "OK your majesty, you may enter.

" Dolly is outraged! She shouts, "I just showed you a great pair of boobs and you're kicking me out!??" St. Peter calmly answers, "Even in Heaven, a royal flush beats a pair."

Sex Advice: Girl having sex with a Shemale

Posted: 12 Nov 2011 07:57 AM PST

Question. I am a 20-year-old girl. I had sex with a shemale. She inserted her penis inside my vagina without a condom. Now I have missed my periods. Am I pregnant?

Answer. If you were having regular periods earlier, there are chances that you could be pregnant. Check with a urine pregnancy kit from the chemist. Are you sure the person did not have an infection?

Busty Gujju bhabhi posing in sexy white saree showing cleavage pics

Posted: 12 Nov 2011 07:56 AM PST

Hot pics of busty Gujju bhabhi posing in sexy white saree and blouse and showing her cleavage to tease partner.

Mallu nurse based in Singapore showing big boobs and hairy cunt pics

Posted: 12 Nov 2011 07:54 AM PST

Hot pics of Mallu nurse based in Singapore posing in sexy dress revealing her big boobies and hairy cunt.

Middle East girlfriend sucking big cock tits fondled and pussy fingered MMS

Posted: 12 Nov 2011 07:54 AM PST

Middle East Arab girl sucking cock during oral sex foreplayBig boobs of Arab girl fondled during sex foreplay with boyfriend
Middle East girlfriend sucking her boyfriends big cock who in turn fondles her big tits and fingers her clean shaven pussy in this awesome MMS.
File size: WMV - 7.75 MB, 3gp - 2.25 MB ; Playing time: 3:23 mins
Click on the links below to download Middle East girlfriend sucking big cock tits fondled and pussy fingered MMS:-
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Malay wild couple sucking and fucking nicely hidden cam MMS 2

Posted: 12 Nov 2011 07:54 AM PST

Malay babe riding cock and guy giving sexy expressions in pleasureMalay babe guiding dick inside pussy to be fucked in sideways position
Second part in which the horny Malay continues to wet the guys cock by sucking it and then mounting his dick in open Lotus position followed by doggy style and sideways till the guy finally cums.
File size: WMV - 16.05 MB, 3gp - 4.60 MB ; Playing time: 7:01 mins
Click on the links below to download Malay wild couple sucking and fucking nicely hidden cam MMS 2:-
Crocko:- WMV | 3gp
Rapidshare:- WMV | 3gp

Bengali servant girl posing topless showing tits and fondled MMS

Posted: 12 Nov 2011 07:53 AM PST

Bengali servant girl posing topless showing juicy titsBengali servant girl sitting naked before fuck with partner
Bengali servant girl posing topless showing her lovely tits and fondled finally removing her salwar to strip naked completely in this amazing MMS.
File size: WMV - 3.35 MB, 3gp - 955 KB ; Playing time: 1:25 mins
Click on the links below to download Bengali servant girl posing topless showing tits and fondled MMS:-
Crocko:- WMV | 3gp
Rapidshare:- WMV | 3gp

Sumit and Riya on honeymoon in Bangkok - IV

Posted: 12 Nov 2011 07:53 AM PST

Riya woke up at 11 along with the other girls to find Janice coming up to her and asking about the night. Riya was too humiliated to realize that she had actually enjoyed the night but complained that she was drugged and forced. Janice told her that she was drugged to get her hornier so that she enjoys and give pleasure rather than act reluctant and at the end the girls end up liking them.

And Riya had to confess that she also liked it and had never felt like that before in her life. Both of them became good friends and started staying together, Janice explained the various different roles and the jobs the girls had to play. A group of girls would be chosen for a job each day which are fixed by the weekly rosters and had to play different jobs each day of the week.

One of the job was being the hooker they are given a key each to the small rooms, one of which Riya woke up in after being abducted And are left among the crowds or adjoining streets to hunt for potential customers, it is up to them to negotiate a price and a good bargain with the customers and then bring them in to the room and give a fuck.

A fuck can be for 10 minutes or hours based on the deal they have struck, each of the rooms have a collection box where the money negotiated needs to be put in before the girls set out looking for The next customer, there isn't any limit on how many customers you can get in a night but you cannot look out beyond 3 at the end of the day the money collected in those boxes

becomes the earning of the girl and a percentage gets distributed as bonus along with the daily wage. The second type of a job is that of the stripper where they have to perform strip shows on stage for the crowd, again tips received gets collected in individual boxes for bonus and commissions.

Along with that each stripper gets a number tag and customers can bid money on the tags for private shows with them after their show. Each stripper needs to perform for 3 hours in 3 equal intervals and can be booked during the intervals for private shows which includes fuck as well.

The earnings from each booking contribute towards the commission of the day as well. The third popular job is being the waitress clad in bikinis the girls are send in the floor to serve and being groped. Good tips for being good waitress and for some additional tip girls are always ready for blowjobs or hand jobs on demand. They are free to negotiate a fuck but are not allowed rooms so the customers have to arrange the places themselves.

Often waitresses get spotted being fucked at dark corners, stairs, toilets, parking for good money. Overall they are allowed a very less time off work which they need to use for any fuck arrangements and have to be conscious of the time they are spending or will be punished. The punishments are the worst of all jobs and a day's punishment is good enough for a girl to mend her ways and never repeat the same mistake again.

As a punishment the girls are tied to poles or left free in one of the second floor rooms they call the market for a free fuck. The club charges a heavy fee for entry in to the room but once in you is free to fuck any of the girls on offer and as many times you wish if you get a chance. Girls come out broken from that room and they can be used and abused for hours and in all holes for numerous times in there.

It operates between 9 and 1 at the night offering the girls for 4 hours at a stretch. Normally the kinkier and masochist ones flock to use that room. Along with that the girls are also punished with cleaning duties for lesser mistakes. There is one class of girls who are paid the lowest and used for the most mundane of the jobs.

They are sent out to the streets to attract new customers and some of them are displayed in the glass show cases outside, alone playing with herself, or with a partner playing with her. The same girls in the morning are sent to the glory hole chambers which operate in the morning only.

They spend half of the day in the cramped chambers waiting for customers to insert their dicks through the holes to be sucked until cum and until they are replaced by a new girl in mid day. That was another dreadful job which is for the old, the ugly and amateurs. Apart from these girls can also be booked for private parties or shows at higher prices from the club website which has a catalogue of all the girls with photos and stats.

Janice also doubted that some girls are also used for other jobs apart from the club matters for a lot of other illegal businesses Xiao runs. Riya looked quite scared but was comforted when Janice told her that she has to be there for 2 more days and need not fear about being punished or anything as long as she cooperates she should be fine.

Janice also told her tricks of the jobs, about how to lure customers, how to bargain, how much to charge and for what etc. And slowly Riya looked more cooperative than before praying to be spared along with her husband in the next 2 days. They had a 4 pm flight on the third day which Xiao promised her that she with her husband will be on to leave forever for her home.

Janice had the waitress duty that night and Madam Kim asked her to take Riya with her and to supervise her whenever needed while she was also the supervisor of the shift which meant she won't need to serve the customers but need to made sure no girl is getting bullied by any of the other girl and all are getting a fair chance to make some money.

It was already 7 and the time for the girls to replace their guy counterparts was at 8. Janice fetched the waitress' uniform for both of them a skimpy bra just wrapped around the breasts to be tied in a knot at the back along with a pleated short skirt with nylon stockings up till the thighs. Both of them looked stunning in their uniform as they joined 8 others in waiting to hit the floor.

Exactly at 9 the clock signaled the change and at face of huge cheers the contingent of the ladies entered the floor while the guys made exit to end their day. The bar however was stilled manned by guys and also the few bouncers around to ensure no rapes happening.

Janice and Riya stood at the ordering queue to monitor around the floor for potential customers as they had only 3 hours before the next batch of replacements replaces them and had to earn a minimum tip of 1000 baht to avoid any penalty. Janice already taught her some tricks of the trade and so Riya made her first contact when she approached one of the near tables to take their orders down.

Let them touch you if they want but not more than just a mere moment was the rule of the game, not more unless paid. And Riya was getting a lot of those attentions, in her first table itself they would rub against her thighs while ordering trying to get closer to her cunt but she managed to avoid.

Same had been the story at any other table and Janice was soon getting concerned as even in the first 45 minutes she had been able to manage 50 baht only that too when one of the customers paid her 50 for kissing her lips. She took Riya to the corner for a quick round of talk, telling her some tricks or two again and also the implications of not collecting at least a thousand bucks.

Riya now at least allowed more touches than she did before and at one of the tables while she was serving the drinks the guy took out a 100 baht and winked at her saying "this for a little bj what say" Riya took a deep breath remembering what Janice had told her recently and nodded in agreement. The guy laughed as he sat comfortably allowing her a place between his legs.

Riya knelt down and pulled the guys pants down to let his monster cock jump out. She held it in her hands and stroked it a couple of times before putting it in her mouth. She wrapped his cock with her tongue and started stroking and licking up and down at its length. Soon the guy started moaning and rubbing his fingers at Riya's back feeling the smooth milky skins.

She sucked her for some minutes to get him close to the edge while the guy panting in pleasure now made another offer. Breathing heavily he said "I will add 400 more and pay 500 for a quick fuck", Riya now stopped sucking and looked up at him and nodded. The guy smiled and pulling his cock in craned his neck to look for a safe place.

He scanned through the floor hurriedly and found a dark and empty corner at one side and so he grabbed Riya by her hands and walked towards the spot quickly. The place was partly hidden by a pillar and was perfect for the kind of thing they were there. Without wasting any time he pulled her towards him and started kissing her, he also pulled her blouse up and sucked on her nipples, pressing and loving her breasts.

And then he pushed her on the floor lifting her skirts barely enough to have a clear view of her naked cunt while she spread her legs automatically to expose it. He knelt between her legs with his pants pulled down and rubbed his cock against her clits once before pushing them in. He started fucking her hard and fast which made her shiver and tremble with both pain and joy.

He was already closer to the edge by the bj and so didn't needed much encouragement to get things done quickly and with a few harder and faster thrusts he signaled the end of his pleasure and while he cleaned his cock, Riya got her dress adjusted to be ready for the next customer. She was paid the promised 500 grand which she took to Janice happily.

Janice put them in her collection box sending her away to look for more. In the next 1 hour she had made 200 more by kissing, bj and a hand job and was in their last hour of the shift. In between she had noticed a lot of waitresses going missing and a lot of times she had also seen them getting laid too.

She was serving the drinks at one of the table and was shocked to see one of the waitresses being laid on the table and being fucked from behind. At another table she saw another waitress laid under the table with the man on top of her. All of these made her feel all the more less humiliated being subjected to the same treatment equally.

At one of the table the guy placed 300 baht on her tray and asked whether she wanted to check out the toilet. Riya kept the tray down as a sign of acknowledgement to the offer and both of them headed towards the toilet. Inside they found another waitress put up on the sinks and being fucked by another man so they had to move silently to one of the stalls for their use.

Once inside he turned her around and made her lean against the door and pulled her skirt down. He pushed her to make her bend a little more so that her cunt was well exposed from behind and rubbed it with his palm for sometime before pulling his cock out and rubbing it on her clits. She started moaning as the cock entered her for the second time in the evening.

She spread her legs more in order to let him penetrate more. He grabbed her breasts from behind and started pressing them while keeping up the tempo of his strokes. She gritted her teeth realizing herself nearing to an orgasm while the strokes kept her on the edge and moaning and panting out in pleasure.

It continued further before she came and her juices flowed down her thighs but the guy kept stroking at her and getting higher and higher at intensity. Soon she felt the strokes getting harder and his grips getting tensed and felt that he would cum any moment. And suddenly he felt lump and stopped any more strokes but the last one to squeeze out the last drop before pulling his cock out.

They stepped out got dressed and went back to work happy with the 300 she made. A couple of more rounds of breast show, bjs earned her some 250 more and by the time the shift changed she had made some 1300 baht for the day. On their way back Janice congratulated her heartily for her quick learning as they washed and cleaned before hitting the dorms. And spend the night chatting away before they fell asleep.

Joke: How To Speak About Men Politically Correct

Posted: 12 Nov 2011 07:52 AM PST

He does not have a BEER GUT. He has developed a LIQUID GRAIN STORAGE FACILITY.





He does not get FALLING-DOWN DRUNK.

He becomes ACCIDENTALLY HORIZONTAL. He does not act like a TOTAL ASS. He develops a case of RECTAL-ANAL INVERSION.

He is not a SEX MACHINE.





Sex Advice: Chances of pregnancy with hymen intact and lubic gel

Posted: 12 Nov 2011 07:52 AM PST

Question. I am a 25-year-old married woman. We are trying for a baby. My hymen has not been broken yet. We use lubic gel during intercourse. My husband ejaculated inside my vagina on the 14th day of my menstrual cycle. Are there any chances of pregnancy with my hymen intact and with lubic gel? Can we use lubic gel while trying for a baby? Please help.

Answer. Puzzling. If he can penetrate in the vagina and ejaculate, why is the hymen still intact? Visit the gynecologist. He should have a spermatic fluid examination. Intercourse should start on alternate days from the 10th day throughout the month.

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Posted: 12 Nov 2011 07:51 AM PST

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Posted: 12 Nov 2011 07:51 AM PST

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Posted: 12 Nov 2011 07:50 AM PST

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Posted: 12 Nov 2011 07:50 AM PST

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Posted: 12 Nov 2011 07:50 AM PST

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